Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Political Exodus from the Sea of Jesuit Commerce (trade) in 2012!

Messianic Prophecies Revealed

in Ethiopian Holy Scriptures!
(81 Books)

Psalms 8:1-9. A melody of David.

1 O Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty of Ethiopia) our sovereign Lord (political master), how majestic your name (hereditary title) is in all the earth (193 member nation states), You whose dignity (value) is recounted above the heavens (Empire of Ethiopia)!

2 Out of the mouth of children and sucklings you have founded diplomatic strength, On account of those JESUIT BANKERS showing hostility to you, So as to make the IMF enemy and the one (pope) taking his vengeance desist.

3 When I an I see your heavens (Empire of Ethiopia), the human rights works of your fingers, The moon (throne of David) and the stars (those with INSIGHT) that you have ecclesiastically prepared, 4 What is mortal man that you keep him in mind, And the son of earthling man that you take care of him?

5 You also proceeded to make him a little less than godlike ones, And with glory (magnificence in law) and splendor you then crowned him. 6 You make him dominate over the human rights works of your diplomatic hands;

Everything you have put under his feet (jurisdiction): 7 Small cattle and oxen, all of them, And also the beasts of the open field, 8 The birds of heaven and the fish of the sea of commerce (trade), Anything passing through the paths of the seas of commerce.

9 O Abba Jahnoy our sovereign Lord (political master), how majestic your name (hereditary title) is in all the earth (193 member nation states)!

Dan 9:4-27, 10:14
4 “I an I, Neb·u·chad·nez´zar, happened to be at ease in my house and flourishing in my palace. 5 There was a dream that I an I beheld, and it began to make me afraid. And there were mental images upon my bed and visions of my head that began to frighten me. 6 And from me an order was being put through to bring in before me all the wise men of Babylon (Jesuit confusion), that they might make known to me the very interpretation of the dream.

7 “At that time the magic-practicing Jesuit priests, the conjurers, the Chal·de´ans and the astrologers were entering; and I an I was saying before them what the dream was, but its interpretation they were not making known to me. 8 And at last there came in before me Daniel, whose name is Bel·te·shaz´zar according to the name of my god and in whom there is the spirit of the holy gods; and before him I an I said what the dream was:

9 “‘O Bel·te·shaz´zar the chief of the magic-practicing Jesuit priests, because I an I myself well know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that there is no secret at all that is troubling you, tell [me] the visions of my dream that I an I have beheld and its interpretation.

10 “‘Now the visions of my head upon my bed I an I happened to be beholding, and, look! a tree in the midst of the earth (193 member nation states), the height of which was immense (United Nations). 11 The tree grew up and became diplomatically strong, and its very height finally reached the heavens (Empire of Ethiopia), and it was visible to the extremity of the whole earth.

12 Its foliage was fair, and its diplomatic fruit was politically abundant, and there was spiritual (intellectual) food for all humanity on it.

Under it the beast of the field would seek shade, and on its boughs the birds of the heavens would dwell, and from it all flesh (political status) would feed itself.

13 “‘I an I continued beholding in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, look! a watcher, even a holy one, coming down from the heavens (Empire of Ethiopia) themselves. 14 He was calling out loudly, and this is what he was saying: “CHOP the tree down, and cut off its boughs. SHAKE off its foliage, and scatter its fruitage. Let the beast flee from under it, and the birds from its boughs.

15 However, LEAVE its rootstock itself in the earth (193 member nation states), even with a banding of iron and of copper, among the grass of the field; and with the dew of the heavens let it be wet, and with the beast let its portion be among the vegetation of the earth.

16 Let its heart be changed from that of mankind, and let the heart of a beast be given to it, and let seven times pass over it. 17 By the decree of watchers the thing is, and [by] the saying of holy ones the request is, to the intent that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that to the one whom he wants to, he gives it and he sets up over it even the lowliest one of mankind.”

18 “‘This was the dream that I an I myself, King Neb·u·chad·nez´zar, beheld; and you yourself, O Bel·te·shaz´zar, say what the interpretation is, forasmuch as all the [other] wise men of my kingdom are unable to make known to me the interpretation itself. But you are competent, because the spirit of the holy gods is in you.’ 19 “At that time Daniel himself, whose name is Bel·te·shaz´zar, was astonished for a moment, and his very thoughts began to frighten him.

“The king was answering and saying, ‘O Bel·te·shaz´zar, do not let the dream and the interpretation themselves frighten you.’

“Bel·te·shaz´zar was answering and saying, ‘O my lord, may the dream [apply] to those hating you, and its interpretation to your Jesuit adversaries. 20 “‘The tree that you beheld, that grew great and became strong and the height of which finally reached the heavens and which was visible to all the earth, 21 and the foliage of which was fair, and the fruit of which was abundant, and on which there was food for all; under which the beasts of the field would dwell, and on the boughs of which the birds of the heavens would reside, 22 it is you, O king (private diplomat), because you have grown great and become diplomatically strong, and your grandeur has grown great and reached to the heavens (Empire of Ethiopia), and your rulership to the extremity of the earth (193 member nation states).

23 “‘And because the king (private diplomat) beheld a watcher, even a holy one, coming down from the Empire of Ethiopia (heavens), who was also saying: “CHOP the Jesuit Supremacy tree down, and politically RUIN it. However, LEAVE its rootstock of the tewahedo Christian faith itself in the earth (193 member nation states), but with a banding of iron and of copper, among the grass of the field, and with the dew of the heavens let it become wet, and with the beasts of the field let its portion be until seven times themselves pass over it,” 24 this is the interpretation, O king, and the decree of the Most High is that which must befall my lord the king.

25 And you they will be driving away from men, and with the beasts of the field your dwelling will come to be, and the vegetation is what they will give even to you to eat just like bulls; and with the dew of the heavens you yourself will be getting wet, and seven times themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the debt free UN Planetary kingdom of mankind, and that to the one whom he wants to he gives it.

26 “‘And because they said to leave the human rights rootstock of the tewahedo Christian tree, your debt free UN Planetary kingdom will be sure to you after you know that the heavens (Empire of Ethiopia) are ruling. 27 Therefore, O king (private diplomat), may my human rights counsel seem good to you, and remove your own commercial sins (transgressions against divine covenant – UN charter) by righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness), and your commercial iniquity by showing mercy to the poor ones. Maybe there will occur a lengthening of your prosperity.’”

14 And I an I have come to cause you to discern what will befall all humanity in the final part of the days of global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination (mental slavery), because it is an envision yet for the days [to come] at the End of the Age of Pisces.”

Luke 17:22-30
22 Then he said to the disciples: “Days will come when YOU will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Humanity but YOU will not see [it]. 23 And people will say to YOU, ‘See there!’ or, ‘See here!’ Do not go out or chase after [them]. 24 For even as the lightning (enlightenment), by its flashing (wisdom), shines from one part under heaven (Garden of Eden) to another part under heaven (Addis Ababa – new flower), so the Son of Humanity will be.

25 First, however, he must undergo many commercial sufferings while commercially stateless and politically displaced and be spiritually rejected by this Jesuit taught generation. 26 Moreover, just as it occurred in the days of Noah (preacher of righteousness), so it will be also in the days of the Son of Humanity: 27 they were eating, they were drinking, men were marrying, women were being given in marriage, until that day when Noah entered into the ark, and the flood arrived and destroyed them all.

28 Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building. 29 But on the day that Lot came out of Sodom it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 The same way it will be on that universal human rights judgment day when the Son of Humanity is to be diplomatically revealed at the UN treaty organization for human beings.

John 6:35-40
35 Iyesus said to them: “I an I am the bread (redemption in law doctrine) of diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality). He that comes to me will not get hungry for human rights knowledge at all, and he that exercises human rights faith in me will never get thirsty for divine Ethiopian wisdom at all. 36 But I an I have said to YOU, YOU have even seen me today and yet do not believe.

37 Everything the Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy) diplomatically gives me will politically come to me, and the one that politically comes to me I an I will by no means drive away; 38 because I an I have come down from the private jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia (heaven) to do, not my will (universal liberation), but the will (divine covenant – UN charter) of His Imperial Majesty that sent me.

39 This is the divine will (UN charter) of His Imperial Majesty that sent me, that I an I should lose nothing out of all that he has given me but that I an I should diplomatically resurrect it at the last day of global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination in commerce. 40 For this is the divine will (UN charter) of my Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy), that everyone that beholds the Son of Humanity and exercises universal human rights FAITH in His Imperial Majesty's sacred covenant (UN charter) should have everlasting diplomatic l.i.f.e., and I an I will diplomatically resurrect him at the last day of global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination in commerce.”

Acts 10:42-43
42 Also, he ordered us to preach to the people and to give a thorough diplomatic witness that this is the One decreed by Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, to be universal judge (DECISION MAKER) of the spiritually living and the politically dead. 

43 To His Imperial Majesty all the prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia) bear diplomatic witness, that everyone putting universal human rights faith in His Imperial Majesty's sacred covenant (UN charter) gets forgiveness of commercial sins (transgressing UN law of Equality) through his name (hereditary title).”

Iyesus Kristos, the Anointed One of Ethiopia
reclaims the Royal Christian Solomonic Dynasty in 2012!
Romans 2:5-16, 29:14
5 But according to your hardness and unrepentant Jesuit heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the universal human rights judgment (DECISION MAKING) day of wrath and of the diplomatic revealing of Elect of God the Son of righteous universal human rights judgment.

6 And he (Ethiopian Messiah) will render to each one according to his human rights works: 7 everlasting diplomatic l.i.f.e. to those who are seeking glory (magnificence in human rights law) and honor and incorruptibleness by endurance in human rights work that is good; 8 however, for those who are contentious and who disobey the t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile - Eliah) but obey Jesuit SUPREMACY unrighteousness there will be wrath and anger, 9 IMF tribulation and commercial distress, upon the soul (spirit & flesh) of every human being who works what is injurious under global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination, of the Ethiopian Jew first and also of the Greek;

10 but glory and honor and international peace for everyone who works what is good human rights Law, for the Ethiopian Jew first and also for the Greek. 11 For there is no partiality with Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s divine covenant of fundamental equality for all.

12 For instance, all those who commercially sinned without human rights law will also politically perish without human rights law; but all those who commercially sinned under human rights law will be universally judged by human rights law. 13 For the hearers of human rights law are not the ones righteous (legal an lawful) before Elect of God Father Majesty in Ethiopia, lawgiver, but the doers of human rights law will be declared righteous.

14 For whenever people of the bankrupt nation states that do not have human rights law do by nature the political things of the human rights law, these people, although not having human rights law, are a human rights law to themselves.

15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the human rights law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience (knowing human right from Jesuit wrong and choosing human right) is bearing diplomatic witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused by Jesuit BANKERS or even excused by true Lion of Judah in Ethiopia’s divine covenant (UN charter).

16 This will be in the universal human rights judgment day when Elect of God the Father Majesty through Kristos Iyesus universally judges the secret Jesuit Supremacy things of mankind, according to the good diplomatic news I an I declare.

1COR 4:1-5, 15:1-28
1 Let a man so appraise us as being subordinates of Kristos (Christ the Anointed One of Ethiopia) and stewards of sacred secrets of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia. 2 Besides, in this case, what is looked for in stewards is for a human being to be found FAITHFUL. 3 Now to me it is a very trivial matter that I an I should be examined by YOU or by a human tribunal. Even I an I do not examine myself. 4 For I an I am not conscious of anything against myself. Yet by this, I an I am not proved righteous (legal an lawful), but he that examines me is Abba Jahnoy.

5 Hence do not judge anything before the due time, until the sovereign Lord (political master) diplomatically comes, who will both bring the secret Jesuit Supremacy things of global IMF darkness (debt) to human rights light and make the human rights counsels of the hearts diplomatically manifest, and then each one will have his praise come to him from Elect of God the Son.

1 Now I an I make known to YOU, brothers & sisters, the good diplomatic news which I an I declared to YOU, which YOU also received, in which YOU also politically stand today, 2 through which YOU are also being diplomatically saved, with the human rights speech with which I an I declared the good diplomatic news to YOU, if YOU are holding it fast, unless, in fact, YOU became believers to no purpose.

3 For I an I handed on to YOU, among the first diplomatic things, that indigenous intellectual property which I an I also received, that Kristos politically died for our commercial sins (transgressing UN law of Equality) according to the Ethiopian Holy Scriptures (81 books); 4 and that he was commercially buried, yes, that he has been diplomatically raised up the third day according to the Ethiopian Holy Scriptures; 5 and that he appeared to Ce´phas, then to the twelve.

 6 After that he appeared to upward of five hundred brothers at one time, the most of whom remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep [in death – IMF debt]. 7 After that he appeared to James, then to all the apostles; 8 but last of all he appeared also to me as if to one born prematurely.

9 For I an I am the least of the apostles (ambassadors), and I an I am not fit to be called an apostle (ambassador), because I an I politically persecuted the autonomous congregation of Elect of God in Ethiopia. 10 But by Elect of God’s undeserved kindness (private diplomacy) I an I am what I an I am.

And his undeserved kindness (private diplomacy) that was toward me did not prove to be in commercial vain, but I an I spiritually (intellectually) labored in excess of all them Jesuit PHARASSEES, yet not I an I but the undeserved kindness (private diplomacy) of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia that is with me. 11 However, whether it is I an I or they, so we are preaching universal human rights and so YOU have believed.

12 Now if Kristos is being preached that he has been diplomatically raised up from the politically dead (IMF debtor status), how is it some Jesuit BANKERS among YOU say there is no diplomatic resurrection of the politically dead?

13 If, in human rights deed (works), there is no diplomatic resurrection of the politically dead, neither has Kristos been diplomatically raised up today. 14 But if Kristos has not been diplomatically raised up today, our universal human rights preaching is certainly in commercial vain, and our universal human rights FAITH is in commercial vain.

15 Moreover, we are also found false diplomatic witnesses of Elect of God the Son (Kristos), because we have borne diplomatic witness against Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia that he diplomatically raised up Kristos today, but whom he did not diplomatically raise up if the politically dead (IMF tax-paying debtor serfs) are really not to be diplomatically raised up.

16 For if the politically dead are not to be diplomatically raised up, neither has Kristos been diplomatically raised up. 17 Further, if Kristos has not been diplomatically raised up, YOUR universal human rights FAITH is useless; YOU are yet in YOUR commercial sins (transgressing divine covenant – UN charter). 18 In fact, also, those who fell asleep [in death – IMF debt] in spiritual (intellectual) union with Kristos politically perished. 19 If in this bankrupt commercial life only, we have hoped in Kristos, we are of all humanity, most to be pitied.

20 However, now Kristos has been diplomatically raised up from the politically dead (IMF TAX-PAYING DEBTOR SERFS), the diplomatic firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep [in death – IMF debt]. 21 For since death in commerce (IMF debtor) is through a man (pope), diplomatic resurrection of the politically dead is also through a man (Iyesus Kristos). 22 For just as in Adam all are politically dying, so also in Kristos all will be made diplomatically alive.

23 But each one in his own political rank: Kristos the diplomatic firstfruits, afterward those who belong to Kristos during his divine presence (Second Advent). 24 Next, the end of global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination, when he hands over the debt free UN Planetary kingdom to his Elect of God in Ethiopia and Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy), when he has brought to nothing all bankrupt governments and all defacto authority and political power (knowledge).

25 For he (Ethiopian Messiah) must rule as a Solomonic king (ecclesiastical private diplomat) until [Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia] has put all Jesuit enemies under his feet (jurisdiction).

26 As the last enemy of humankind, death in commerce - IMF debt is to be brought to nothing. 27 For [Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia] “subjected all diplomatic things under his feet.” But when he says that ‘all diplomatic things have been politically subjected,’ it is evident that it is with the exception of the one who politically subjected all diplomatic things to him.

28 But when all diplomatic things will have been politically subjected to His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, then the Son of Humanity himself will also politically subject himself to the One who politically subjected all diplomatic things to him, that Elect of God  the Father Majesty in Ethiopia may be all things to everyone.

2cor 5:1-10
1 For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, should be dissolved, we are to have a building from Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, a house (United Nations) not made with hands, everlasting in the heavens (Empire of Ethiopia). 

2 For in this dwelling house (UN) we do in human rights deed (work) groan, earnestly desiring to put on the one for us from the ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia (heaven), 3 so that, having really put it on, we shall not be found politically naked. 

4 In fact, we who are in this tent groan, being weighed down; because we want, not to put it off, but to put on the other, that what is mortal (human) may be swallowed up by diplomatic l.i.f.e. 5 Now he that produced us for this very diplomatic thing is Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, who gave us the token of what is to come, that is, the holy spirit (Menfis Qidus).

6 We are therefore always of good courage and know that, while we have our home in the body (human nature), we are absent from the sovereign Lord (political master), 7 for we are diplomatically walking by human rights faith, not by IMF globalization’s sight. 8 But we are of good courage and are well pleased rather to become absent from the body (human nature) and to make our home with the sovereign Lord (political master). 

9 Therefore we are also making it our aim that, whether having our home with His Imperial Majesty’s United Nations or being absent from His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter), we may be acceptable to his Anointed Son. 

10 For we must all be made to diplomatically manifest before the universal human rights judgment (DECISION MAKING) seat of Kristos (Christ - the Anointed One of Ethiopia), that each one may get his award for the spiritual (intellectual) things done through the body (human nature), according to the diplomatic things he has politically practiced, whether it is good human rights works or vile Jesuit Supremacy perks.

1thess 5:1-4
1 Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers and sisters, YOU need nothing to be written to YOU. 2 For YOU yourselves know quite well that Abba Jahnoy’s universal human rights judgment day is coming exactly as a human rights thief in the Jesuit Supremacy night (pope’s global matrix).

3 Whenever it is that they are saying: “universal Peace and diplomatic security!” then sudden commercial (contractual) destruction is to be instantly upon them Jesuit BANKERS just as the pang of commercial distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape. 4 But YOU, brothers and sisters, YOU are not in IMF darkness (debt), so that that universal human rights judgment (DECISION MAKING) day should overtake YOU as it would Jesuit thieves, 5 for YOU are all sons of universal human rights l.i.g.h.t (Loving In God's Heavenly Triune) and sons of day. We belong neither to Jesuit Supremacy night nor to global IMF darkness (debt).

Global unification in tewahedo (oneness) Christian Faith with
our Anointed One of Ethiopia, Kristos Iyesus!

2thess 1:3-12
3 We are obligated to give Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia thanks always for YOU, brothers an sisters, as it is fitting, because YOUR universal human rights faith is growing exceedingly and the love (obey UN law of Equality) of each and all of YOU is increasing one toward the other.

4 As a result, we ourselves take pride in YOU among the autonomous congregations of Elect of God  the Father Majesty in Ethiopia because of YOUR endurance and universal human rights FAITH in all YOUR political persecutions and the IMF commercial tribulations that YOU are now bearing.

5 This is proof of the righteous (legal an lawful) universal human rights judgment of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, leading to YOUR being counted worthy (axious) of the debt free UN Planetary kingdom of Elect of God the Son, for which YOU are in human rights deed (works), commercially suffering today.

6 This takes into account that it is righteous on Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s part to repay global IMF commercial tribulation to those Jesuit BANKERS who make global IMF commercial tribulation for humanity, 7 but, to YOU who commercially suffer IMF tribulation, diplomatic relief (REMEDY) along with us at the divine revelation of the sovereign Lord Iyesus from the ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia (heaven) with his powerful angels (private diplomats) 8 in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those Jesuit BANKERS who do not know Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia and those Jesuit followers who do not obey the good diplomatic news about our sovereign Lord Iyesus.

9 These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting commercial self destruction from before the sovereign Lord (political master) and from the glory (magnificence in human rights law) of his diplomatic strength, 10 at the time he (Ethiopian Messiah) comes to be glorified in diplomatic connection with his holy ones (Emperors of Ethiopia) and to be regarded in that universal human rights judgment day with wonder, in diplomatic connection with all those who exercised universal human rights FAITH, because the diplomatic witness we gave met with universal human rights FAITH among HUMANITY.

11 To that very end in human rights deed (works) we always pray for YOU, that our Elect of God the Son may count YOU worthy of [his] calling and perform completely all he pleases of goodness and the special work of universal human rights FAITH with power (knowledge); 12 in order that the name (hereditary title) of our sovereign Lord Iyesus may be glorified in YOU, and YOU in diplomatic union with His Imperial Majesty's sacred covenant (UN charter), in accord with the undeserved kindness (private diplomacy) of our Elect of God the Father Majesty of Ethiopia and of the sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

1 However, brothers an sisters, respecting the divine presence of our sovereign Lord (political master) Iyesus Kristos and our being gathered together to His Imperial Majesty’s United Nations, we request of YOU 2 not to be quickly shaken from YOUR reason nor to be excited either through an inspired human rights expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the universal human rights judgment day of Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty of Ethiopia) is here.

3 Let no Jesuit BANKER seduce YOU in any manner, because it will not come unless the global IMF apostasy comes first and the man (pope) of international lawlessness gets revealed, then his Jesuit sons of destruction becomes out of the way. 4 He is set in immoral opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.

5 Do YOU not remember that, while I an I was yet with YOU, I an I used to tell YOU these diplomatic things online?

6 And so now YOU know the commercial thing that acts as a political restraint, with a view to his being diplomatically revealed in his own due time, at the END of the Piscean Age. 7 True, the mystery of this international lawlessness is already at commercial work; but only till he who is right now acting as a diplomatic restraint gets to be out of the commercial way.

8 Then, in human rights deed (works) , the lawless one will be universally revealed, whom the sovereign Lord Iyesus will do away with by the spirit (intelligence) of his mouth and bring the VATICAN UNHOLY SEE to NOTHING by the diplomatic manifestation of his ‘divine presence’.

9 But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan (slanderer an resistor to brotherhood) with every powerful human rights work and lying commercial signs and make-believe portents 10 and with every unrighteous Jesuit Supremacy deception for those who are politically perishing in global commerce (trade), as a retribution because they did not accept the universal love (OBEDIENCE to UN law of Equality) of the t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile - Eliah) that they might be diplomatically saved.

11 So that is why Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia lets an operation of commercial error go to them Jesuit BANKERS, that they may get to believing the SUPREMACY lie, 12 in order that they all may be universally judged because they did not believe the t.r.u.t.h. but took pleasure in the UNHOLY SEER'S (false profit's)unrighteousness.

13 However, we are obligated to thank Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia always for YOU, my human family, beloved by Abba Jahnoy, because Elect of God the Father Majesty selected YOU from [the] beginning for universal redemption and salvation by sanctifying (legally an lawfully purifying) YOU with spirit (intelligence) and by YOUR universal human rights FAITH in the t.r.u.t.h.

14 To this very destiny he called YOU through the good diplomatic news we declare today in 2012, for the purpose of acquiring the glory (magnificence in human rights law) of our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos. 15 So, then, brothers, stand diplomatically firm and politically maintain YOUR hold on the commercial traditions that YOU were taught, whether it was through a verbal message or through a letter of ours.

16 Moreover, may our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos himself and Elect of God the Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy), who loved us and gave everlasting comfort and good universal hope by diplomatic means of undeserved kindness (diplomatic immunity), 17 comfort YOUR hearts and make YOU diplomatically firm in every good human rights deed and word.

1 tim 6:14-21
14 that you observe the human rights commandment in a spotless and irreprehensible way until the diplomatic manifestation (demonstration) of our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos. 15 This [diplomatic manifestation] the happy and only Potentate will show in its own appointed times, [he] the Solomonic King (ecclesiastical private diplomat) of those Jesuit BANKERS who rule as kings (private diplomats) and sovereign Lord (political master) of those Jesuit LAWYERS who rule as commercial lords (political puppet), 16 the one alone having immortality (diplomatic immunity), who dwells in unapproachable universal human rights l.i.g.h.t, whom not one of these Jesuit BANKERS have seen or can morally see. To His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) be honor and might everlasting. Amen.

17 Give orders to those Jesuit BANKERS who are rich in the present system of commercial things not to be high-minded, and to rest their universal hope in an Ethiopian Messiah, not on uncertain IMF riches, but on Elect of God  the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s divine covenant (UN charter), who furnishes us all diplomatic things richly for our enjoyment; 18 to work at good livity, to be rich in fine human rights works, to be liberal, ready to share sacred human rights knowledge, 19 safely treasuring up for themselves a fine human rights foundation for the future, in order that they may get a firm hold on the real diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality)

20 O Luel Ras Mesfin Haile Selassie I – Royal Head Duke of Knowledge of the Might (diplomatic strength) of the Triune Elect of God in Ethiopia, guard what is spiritually (intellectually) laid up in sacred trust with you, turning away from the empty Jesuit SUPREMACY speeches that violate what is holy (sacred – debt free) and from the contradictions of the falsely called “Jesuit Supremacy knowledge.” 21 For making a show of such [Jesuit Supremacy knowledge] some have deviated from the universal human rights FAITH of a better expectation that has now come.

2 tim 4:-1-8
1 I an I solemnly charge you before Elect of God the Father Majesty and the Anointed One of Ethiopia Iyesus, who is diplomatically destined to universally judge the commercially living and the politically dead, and by his diplomatic manifestation and his debt free UN Planetary kingdom, 2 preach the word (divine covenant - UN charter), be at it urgently in favorable season, in troublesome season, reprove, reprimand, exhort, with all long-suffering and [art of] universal human rights teaching.

3 For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful human rights teaching, but, in accord with their own commercial desires, they will accumulate Jesuit Supremacy teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled with Papal falsehood; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the t.r.u.t.h., whereas they will be turned aside to false Jesuit Supremacy stories.

5 You, though, keep your senses in all spiritual (intellectual) things, commercially suffer Jesuit evil, do [the] human rights work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your human rights ministry.

6 For I an I am already being poured out like a commercial drink offering, and the due time for my diplomatic releasing is imminent.

7 I an I have fought the fine intellectual fight, I an I have run the diplomatic course to the finish, I an I have observed the  universal human rights faith. 8 From this time on there is spiritually (intellectually) reserved for me the crown of righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness), which the sovereign Lord (political master), the righteous (legal an lawful) universal judge, will diplomatically give me as a reward in that universal human rights judgment day, yet not only to me, but also to all those who come to love his divine manifestation (demonstration) today.

Titus 2:1-15

1 You, however, keep on speaking what things are fitting for healthful human rights teaching. 2 Let the aged men be moderate in habits, serious, sound in mind, healthy in universal human rights FAITH, in universal love (OBEDIENCE to UN law of Equality), in endurance.

3 Likewise let the aged women be reverent in behavior, not slanderous, neither enslaved to a lot of wine, human rights teachers of what is good; 4 that they may recall the young women (churches) to their senses to love (obey law of Equality) their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be sound in mind, chaste, workers at home, good, subjecting themselves to their own husbands, so that the word (divine covenant - UN charter) of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia may not be spoken of abusively.

6 Likewise keep on exhorting the younger men to be sound in mind, 7 in all political things showing yourself an example of fine human rights works; showing incorruptness in your human rights teaching, seriousness, 8 wholesome speech which cannot be condemned by Jesuit BANKERS; so that the man (pope) on the opposing Jesuit side may get politically ashamed, having nothing vile to say about us.

9 Let slaves (citizen serfs) be in political subjection to their owners in all commercial things, and please them well, not talking back, 10 not committing theft, but exhibiting good fidelity to the full, so that they may adorn the human rights teaching of our diplomatic Savior, Elect of God the Father Majesty of Ethiopia, in all diplomatic things.

11 For the undeserved kindness (private diplomacy) of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia which brings human right redemption and  salvation to all sorts of men has been diplomatically manifested today in 2012, 12 instructing humanity to repudiate ungodliness and worldly Jesuit Supremacy desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly human rights devotion amid this present system of Jesuit SUPREMACY things under global IMF bankruptcy, 13 while we wait for the happy universal hope and glorious diplomatic manifestation of the great Elect of God the Son and [the] Savior of us, Kristos Iyesus, 14 who gave himself for humanity that he might diplomatically deliver humanity from every sort of international lawlessness and spiritually (intellectually) cleanse for himself a tewahedo (oneness) Christian people peculiarly his own, zealous for fine human rights works.

15 Keep on speaking these diplomatic things and exhorting and reproving with full sovereign Lion of Judah authority to command. Let no Jesuit man ever despise you.

Titus 3:1-15

1 Continue reminding them Jesuit BANKERS to be in political subjection and be obedient to sovereign human governments and defacto authorities as rulers, to be ready for every good human rights work, 2 to speak injuriously of no one, not to be belligerent, to be reasonable, exhibiting all mildness toward all human beings. 3 For even we were once senseless, disobedient, being misled, being slaves to various Jesuit Supremacy desires and pleasures, carrying on in badness and envy, abhorrent, hating one another.

4 However, when the kindness and the love (obey UN law of Equality) for humanity on the part of our diplomatic Savior, Elect of God the Son, was diplomatically manifested, 5 owing to no human rights works in righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness) that we had politically performed, but according to his mercy he diplomatically saved us through the bath that brought us to diplomatic l.i.f.e. and through the making of us new by holy spirit (Menfis Qidus).

6 This [spirit] he poured out richly upon us through Iyesus Kristos our diplomatic Savior (Ethiopian Messiah), 7 that, after being declared righteous (legal an lawful) by virtue of the undeserved kindness (private diplomacy) of that one, we might become heirs according to a hope of everlasting diplomatic l.i.f.e.

8 Faithful is the saying, and concerning these things I an I desire you to make diplomatic firm assertions constantly, in order that those who have believed Elect of God the Father Majesty of Ethiopia may keep their minds on politically maintaining fine human rights works. These diplomatic things are fine and beneficial to humanity.

9 But shun foolish Jesuit Supremacy questionings and genealogies and strife and intellectual fights over the constitutional commercial Law, for they are unprofitable and futile. 10 As for a man that promotes a Jesuit sect, reject him after a first and a second admonition (human rights teaching); 11 knowing that such a man (pope) has been turned out of the diplomatic way and is commercially sinning (transgressing Emperors covenant – UN charter), he being self-condemned in global commerce.

14 But let our people also learn to maintain fine human rights works so as to meet their pressing needs, that they may not be unfruitful.

Hebrews 2:1-18

1 That is why it is necessary for us to pay more than the usual attention to the diplomatic things heard by us, that we may never drift away under global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination in commerce.

2 For if the word (UN charter) spoken through angels (private diplomats) proved to be diplomatically firm, and every transgression (commercial sin) and disobedient act received a retribution in harmony with justice (just action); 3 how shall we diplomatically escape if we have neglected a human rights redemption and salvation of such greatness in that it began to be spoken through [our] sovereign Lord (political master) and was verified for us by those who heard His Imperial Majesty's divine speeches, 4 while Elect of God the Son joined in bearing diplomatic witness with political signs as well as portents and various powerful human rights works and with distributions of Menfis Qidus (holy spirit) according to his will (divine covenant - UN charter)?

5 For it is not to angels (private diplomats) that he has diplomatically subjected the inhabited earth (193 member nation states) to come, about which we are speaking. 6 But a certain diplomatic witness has given proof somewhere, saying: “What is man that you keep him in mind, or [the] son of Humanity that you take care of him? 7 You made him a little lower than angels (private diplomats); with glory and honor you crowned him, and appointed him over the human rights works of your diplomatic hands.

8 All diplomatic things you politically subjected under his feet (jurisdiction).” For in that he politically subjected all diplomatic things to His Imperial Majesty [Elect of God in Ethiopia] & left nothing that is not diplomatically subject to His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter). Now, though, we do not yet see all diplomatic things in political subjection to His Imperial Majesty; 9 but we behold Iyesus today in 2012, who has been made a little lower than angels (private diplomats), crowned with glory and honor for having commercially suffered death in commerce (IMF debtor status), that he by Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s undeserved kindness (private diplomacy) might taste death in commerce (IMF debtor status) for every [human being].

10 For it was fitting for the one for whose sake all diplomatic things are and through whom all political things are, in bringing many sons to glory (magnify in human rights law), to make the Chief Diplomatic Agent of their human rights redemption and salvation perfect through commercial sufferings under global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination.

11 For both he who is sanctifying and those who are being sanctified all [stem] from the One in Ethiopia, and for this cause he is not ashamed to call humanity “My Human Family,” 12 as he says: “I an I will diplomatically declare your name (hereditary title)  to my human family; in the middle of [the] autonomous congregation in Jamaica, I an I will praise you with song.” 13 And again: “I an I will have my sacred trust in His Imperial Majesty sacred covenant (UN charter).” And again: “Look! I an I and the young children, whom Abba Jahnoy gave me.”

14 Therefore, since the “young children” are sharers of blood (human rights works) and flesh (political status), he also similarly partook of the same diplomatic things, that through his death in commerce (IMF debtor status)  he might diplomatically bring to nothing the one (pope) having the means to cause death in commerce (IMF debtor status), that is, the Devil; 15 and [that] he might politically emancipate all those who for f.e.a.r. (False Expectations Appearing Real) of death in commerce (IMF debtor status) were commercially subject to global Jesuit Supremacy mental slavery all through their lives.

16 For he is really not assisting angels (private diplomats) at all, but he is assisting Abraham’s seed (family head’s Son). 17 Consequently he was obliged to become like his “human family” in all political respects, that he might become a merciful and faithful Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo (Oneness) high priest in things pertaining to Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia , in order to offer propitiatory political sacrifice for the commercial sins of the people.

18 For in that he himself has commercially suffered when being put to the test, he is able to come to the aid of those who are being put to the test under global IMF Apostasy of today.

James 5:1-20

1 Come, now, YOU rich [Jesuit men], weep, howling over YOUR miseries that are coming upon YOU. 2 YOUR IMF riches have commercially rotted, and YOUR outer garments have become moth-eaten. 3 YOUR gold and silver are rusted away, and their rust will be as a witness against YOU and will eat YOUR fleshy parts.

Something like fire (IMF tribulations) is what YOU have stored up in the last days of global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination. 4 Look! The IMF wages due the IMF commercial workers who harvested YOUR fields but which are held up by YOU, keep crying out, and the calls for help on the part of the reapers have entered into the ears of Abba Jahnoy of intellectual armies.

5 YOU have lived in luxury upon the earth (193 member nation states) and have gone in for sensual pleasure. YOU have fattened YOUR hearts on the day of slaughter (taxation). 6 YOU have condemned, YOU have murdered the righteous one of Ethiopia, Emperor Haile Selassie I. Is he not opposing YOU Jesuit BANKERS?

7 Exercise patience, therefore, my human family, until the presence of the sovereign Lord (political master). Look! The farmer keeps waiting for the precious fruit of the earth, exercising patience over it until he gets the early rain and the late rain. 8 YOU too exercise patience; make YOUR hearts diplomatically firm, because the divine presence of the sovereign Lord (political master) has drawn close.

9 Do not heave sighs against one another, my human family, so that YOU do not get universally judged. Look! The Universal Judge is standing before the doors of global commerce (trade). 10 My human family, take as a pattern of the commercial suffering of Jesuit Supremacy evil and the exercising of patience the prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia), who spoke in the name (hereditary title) of Abba Jahnoy.

11 Look! We pronounce happy those who have endured. YOU have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome Abba Jahnoy gave, that Abba Jahnoy is very tender in affection and merciful.

12 Above all things, though, my human family, stop swearing, yes, either by Empire of Ethiopia (heaven) or by 193 member nation states (earth) or by any other oath. But let YOUR Yes mean Yes, and YOUR No, No, so that YOU do not fall under universal human rights judgment.

13 Is there anyone commercially suffering Jesuit Supremacy evil among YOU? Let him carry on prayer. Is there anyone in good spirits? Let him sing psalms. 14 Is there anyone sick among YOU? Let him call the older men (elders - priests) of the autonomous congregation to [him], and let them pray over him, greasing [him] with oil of exultation in the name (hereditary title) of Abba Jahnoy. 15 And the prayer of universal human rights FAITH will make the indisposed one well, and Abba Jahnoy will diplomatically raise him up. Also, if he has committed commercial sins (transgressions against divine covenant – UN charter), it will be forgiven him.

16 Therefore openly confess YOUR commercial sins to one another and pray for one another, that YOU may get politically healed. A righteous man’s supplication (petition) , when it is at human rights work, has much intellectual force.

17 Elijah (Haile) was a man with feelings like ours, and yet in prayer he prayed for it not to rain spiritual blessings; and it did not rain spiritual blessing upon the land for three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again, and the heaven (Empire of Ethiopia) gave rain (spiritual blessings) and the land put forth its diplomatic fruit.

19 My human family, if anyone among YOU is misled from the t.r.u.t.h (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile - Eliah) and another turns him back, 20 know that he who turns a commercial sinner back from the political error of his commercial way will diplomatically save his soul (spirit an flesh) from death in commerce (IMF debtor status) and will cover a multitude of commercial sins (transgressions against UN covenant).

1 Peter 4:1-19

1 Therefore since Kristos commercially suffered in the flesh (political status), YOU too diplomatically arm yourselves with the same mental disposition; because the person that has commercially suffered in the flesh (political status) has desisted from commercial sins (transgressions against equality), 2 to the end that he may diplomatically live the remainder of [his] time in the flesh (political status), no more for the false Jesuit Supremacy desires of Vatican men, but for Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s divine will (UN charter).

3 For the time that has passed by is sufficient for YOU to have worked out the will of the bankrupt nation states when YOU proceeded in deeds of loose conduct, lusts, excesses with wine, revelries, drinking matches, and illegal idolatries. 4 Because YOU do not continue running with them Jesuit BANKERS in this course to the same low sink of debauchery, they are puzzled and go on speaking abusively of YOU. 5 But these people will render an account to the one ready to universally judge those commercially living and those politically dead.

6 In fact, for this purpose the good diplomatic news was declared also to the politically dead (IMF tax-paying debtor serfs), that they might be universally judged as to the flesh (political status) from the standpoint of Jesuit men but might diplomatically live as to the spirit (intelligence) from the standpoint of Elect of God the Son.

7 But the end of all Jesuit SUPREMACY things in global commerce (trade) has drawn close. Be sound in mind, therefore, and be vigilant with a view to prayers. 8 Above all things, have intense love (OBEDIENCE to UN law) for one another, because universal love (OBEDIENCE to UN law) covers a multitude of commercial sins (transgressions against UN law).

9 Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. 10 In proportion as each one has received a free gift, use it in ministering to one another as fine stewards of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s undeserved kindness (private diplomacy) expressed in various diplomatic ways. 11 If anyone speaks, [let him speak] as it were [the] sacred pronouncements (annunciations) of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia;

if anyone ministers human rights, [let him minister] as dependent on the diplomatic strength that Elect of God the Son will politically supply; so that in all diplomatic things Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia may be glorified (magnified in human rights law) through Iyesus Kristos. The glory and the might are his forever and ever. Amen.

12 Beloved ones, do not be puzzled at the burning among YOU, which is happening to YOU for a commercial trial, as though a strange thing were befalling YOU. 13 On the contrary, go on rejoicing forasmuch as YOU are sharers in the commercial sufferings of Kristos, that YOU may rejoice and be overjoyed also during the diplomatic revelation of his glory. 14 If YOU are being politically reproached for the name (hereditary title) of Kristos, YOU are happy, because the [spirit - intelligence] of glory (magnificence in human rights law), even the Menfis Qidus (holy spirit) of Elect of God the Son, is resting upon YOU.

15 However, let none of YOU suffer as a murderer or a Jesuit thief or an evildoer or as a busybody in other people’s matters. 16 But if [he commercially suffers] as a Tewahedo (oneness) Christian, let him not feel political shame, but let him keep on glorifying Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia in this name (hereditary title). 17 For it is the appointed time for the universal human rights  judgment (DECISION MAKING) to start with the house of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia.

Now if it starts first with us, what will the end be of those Jesuit BANKERS who are not obedient to the good diplomatic news of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia? 18 “And if the righteous [man] is being diplomatically saved with human rights difficulty, where will the ungodly [Jesuit man] and the commercial sinner (IMF tax-paying debtor serf) make a political showing?”

19 So, then, also let those humans who are commercially suffering in harmony with the will (UN charter) of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia keep on commending their souls (spirit an flesh) to a faithful Creator (Creditor) while they are doing good human rights works.

4 And when the chief shepherd has been made diplomatic manifest, YOU will receive the unfadable crown of glory (magnificence in human rights law).
6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty diplomatic hand of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, that he may politically exalt YOU in due time; 7 while YOU throw all YOUR anxiety upon His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter), because he cares for humanity.

8 Keep YOUR senses in global commerce (trade), be watchful. YOUR Jesuit adversary, the Devil, commercially walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour [someone]. 9 But take YOUR diplomatic stand against him, solid in the universal human rights FAITH, knowing that the same political things in the way of commercial sufferings are being accomplished in the entire association of our human family in the bankrupt of human rights commercial world of trade.

10 But, after YOU have commercially suffered a little while, our Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia of all undeserved kindness (private diplomacy), who called YOU to his everlasting glory in diplomatic union with Kristos, will himself finish YOUR training, he will make YOU diplomatically firm, he will make YOU politically strong. 11 To His Imperial Majesty be the might forever. Amen.

1 john 4:1-6
1 Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired human rights expression, but test the inspired human rights expressions to see whether they originate with Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, because many false Jesuit Supremacy prophets have gone forth into the bankrupt modern world of commerce (trade).

2 YOU gain the human rights knowledge of the inspired human rights expression from Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia by this: Every inspired human rights expression that confesses Iyesus Kristos as having come in the flesh (political status) today in 2012, originates with Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, 3 but every uninspired Jesuit Supremacy expression that does not confess Iyesus of Ethiopia does not originate with Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia.

Furthermore, this is the evil antichrist’s [uninspired Jesuit Supremacy expression] which YOU have heard was coming, and now it is already in the bankrupt of all human rights commercial world of trade.

4 YOU originate with Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, my human family, and YOU have conquered those [Jesuit BANKERS in global commerce (trade)], because he that is in diplomatic union with YOU is greater than he that is in commercial union with the bankrupt modern world of trade. 5 They originate with the bankrupt modern world of trade; that is why they speak [what proceeds] from the bankrupt modern world and the bankrupt modern world listens to them Jesuit BANKERS.

6 We originate with Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia. He that gains the human rights knowledge of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia listens to us; he that does not originate with Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia does not listen to us.

This is how we take note of the inspired human rights expression of t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile -Eliah) and the uninspired Jesuit Supremacy expression of commercial error.


Rev 4:9-11
9 And whenever the living human creatures offer glory (magnify human rights law) and honor and thanksgiving to the one seated upon the throne, the one that diplomatically lives forever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before the One seated upon the throne and worship (unconditionally love – obey UN law of equality) the One that diplomatically lives forever and ever, and they cast their crowns before the throne, saying: 

11“You are worthy (Axious), Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty of Ethiopia), even our Elect of God the Son, to diplomatically receive the glory and the honor and the sovereign power (human rights knowledge), because you politically created all diplomatic things, and because of your will (UN charter) they politically existed and were created in global commerce (trade).”

Salutations of the Virgin Mariam’s son to patriarch of Ethiopia
Romans 11:1-36

1 I an I ask, then, Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia did not reject his tewahedo Christian people, did he? Never may that happen! For I an I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham (family head), of the tribe (Royal Solomonic Dynasty) of Judah (law-givers). 2 Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia did not reject his tewahedo Christian people, whom he first recognized.

Why, do YOU not know what the Ethiopian Holy Scripture says in diplomatic connection with Elijah, as he pleads with Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia against Israel? 3 “Abba Jahnoy, they have killed your prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia), they have dug up your sacred altars (Ark of Covenant), and I an I alone am left, and they are looking for my soul (spirit an flesh).” 4 Yet, what does the divine pronouncement say to him? “I an I have left seven thousand men over for myself, [men] who have not bent the knee to Jesuit BANKERS Ba´al.”

5 In this diplomatic way, therefore, at the present season here in 2012, also a diplomatic remnant has turned up according to a divine choosing due to undeserved kindness (private diplomacy). 6 Now if it is by undeserved kindness, it is no longer due to human rights works; otherwise, the undeserved kindness (private diplomacy) no longer proves to be undeserved kindness.

7 What, then? The very thing Israel (one who diplomatically conquers) is earnestly seeking (diplomatic immunity) he did not obtain, but the ones chosen by Abba Jahnoy obtained it. The rest had their sensibilities blunted; 8 just as it is written: “Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia has given them Jesuit BANKERS a spirit (intelligence) of deep sleep, eyes so as not to politically see and ears so as not to comprehend what they hear, down to this very day.”

9 Also, David says: “Let their table become for them a commercial (contractual) snare and a IMF debt trap and a righteous *human rights* stumbling block and a universal retribution; 10 let their eyes become darkened so as not to see, and always bow down their back to Jesuit commercial labor.”

11 Therefore I an I ask, Did they stumble so that they fell completely? Never may that happen! But by their false Jesuit SUPREMACY step there is human rights redemption and salvation to people of the bankrupt nation states, to incite them to jealousy.

12 Now if their false Jesuit SUPREMACY step means IMF commercial riches to the bankrupt modern world of commerce, and their decrease means IMF commercial riches to people of the bankrupt nation states, how much more will the full number of them Jesuits BANKERS mean it!

13 Now I an I speak to YOU who are people of the bankrupt nation states. Forasmuch as I an I am, in diplomatic reality, an apostle (ambassador) to the bankrupt nation states, I an I glorify my human rights ministry, 14 if I an I may by any political means incite [those who are] my own flesh (political status) to jealousy and diplomatically save some from among them Jesuit BANKERS.

15 For if the casting of them Jesuit BANKERS away means universal reconciliation for the bankrupt modern world, what will the receiving of them mean but diplomatic l.i.f.e. from the politically dead? 16 Further, if the [part taken as] diplomatic firstfruits is holy (sacred – debt free), the lump is also; and if the root is holy (sacred – debt free), the branches are also.

17 However, if some of the human branches were broken off but you, although being a wild human rights olive, were grafted in among them and became a sharer of the olive’s root of fatness, 18 do not be exulting over the human branches. If, though, you are exulting over them, it is not you that bear the human rights root, but the olive Ethiopian root [bears] you.

19 You will say, then: “Human branches were broken off that I an I might be grafted in.” 20 All right! For [their] lack of universal human rights FAITH they were broken off, but you are diplomatically standing by universal human rights FAITH. Quit having lofty Jesuit Supremacy ideas, but be in fear. 21 For if Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia did not spare the natural human branches, neither will he spare you.

22 See, therefore, Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s kindness and severity. Toward those Jesuits BANKERS who fell there is severity, but toward you there is Elect of God the Fatgher Majesty in Ethiopia’s kindness, provided you remain in his kindness; otherwise, you also will be lopped off. 23 They also, if they do not remain in their lack of universal human rights FAITH, will be grafted in; for Elect of God the Son is able to diplomatically graft them Jesuit BANKERS in again.

24 For if you were cut out of the human rights olive tree that is wild by nature and were commercially grafted contrary to nature into the garden of human rights olive tree, how much rather will these who are natural be diplomatically grafted into their own human rights olive tree!

25 For I an I do not want YOU, my human family, to be ignorant of this sacred secret, in order for YOU not to be discreet in your own eyes: that a dulling of sensibilities has happened in part to Israel (he who diplomatically conquers) until the full number of people of the bankrupt nation states has come in, 26 and in this manner all Israel will be diplomatically saved.

Just as it is written: “The diplomatic deliverer will come out of Zion (Ethiopia) and turn away ungodly Jesuit Supremacy commercial practices from Jacob (younger generation). 27 And this is the human rights covenant of mercy on my part with them Jesuit BANKERS, when I an I take their commercial sins (transgressing UN law of Equality) away.” 28 True, with reference to the good diplomatic news they are IMF enemies for humanity's sakes, but with reference to [Elect of God the Son's] diplomatic choosing they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers (Emperors of Ethiopia).

29 For the diplomatic gifts and the calling of Elect of God the Son are not political things he will regret. 30 For just as YOU were once disobedient to Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all but have now been shown mercy because of this disobedience, 31 so also these now have been disobedient with mercy resulting to YOU, that they themselves also may now be shown mercy.

32 For Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia has shut them Jesuit BANKERS all up together in disobedience, that he might show all of them Jesuit minded persons divine mercy.

33 O the depth of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s sovereign (politically free) riches and divine Ethiopian wisdom and universal human rights knowledge  (POLITICAL POWER)!

How unsearchable his universal human rights judgments [are] and past tracing out his diplomatic ways [are]! 34 For “who has come to know Abba Jahnoy’s mind, or who has become his human rights counselor?” 35 Or, “Who has first given to His Imperial Majesty, so that it must be diplomatically repaid to him?” 36 Because from His Imperial Majesty and by His Imperial Majesty and for His Imperial Majesty are all diplomatic things. To His Imperial Majesty be the glory forever. Amen.

2 Corinthians 6:1-18

1 Working together with His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter), we also entreat YOU not to accept the undeserved kindness (private diplomacy) of Elect of God the Son and miss its divine purpose. 2 For he says: “In an acceptable time I an I will hear you, and in a universal human rights judgment day of redemption and salvation I an I will diplomatically help you.”

Look! Now is the especially acceptable time. Look! Now is the universal human rights judgment (DECISION MAKING) day of R.A.S.T.A. (Redemption And Salvation Towards ALL).

3 In no diplomatic way are we giving any cause for stumbling, that our human rights ministry might not be found fault with; 4 but in every diplomatic way we recommend ourselves as Elect of God the Father Majesty of Ethiopia's human rights ministers, by the endurance of much, by IMF tribulations, by cases of need, by difficulties, 5 by beatings, by mental prisons in Jamaica, by disorders, by labors, by sleepless nights, by times without food, 6 by purity, by human rights knowledge (political power), by long-suffering, by kindness, by holy spirit (Menfis Qidus), by love (obey law of equality) free from hypocrisy,

7 by truthful human rights speech, by Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s sovereign (politically free) power (knowledge); through the intellectual weapons of righteousness on the right diplomatic hand and on the left, 8 through glory and dishonor, through bad report and good report; as Jesuit deceivers and yet truthful human rights prophets, 9 as being unknown and yet being universally recognized, as politically dying and yet, look! we diplomatically live, as disciplined in global commerce and yet not delivered to death in commerce (IMF debtor status), 10 as sorrowing in IMF bankruptcy but ever rejoicing in human rights redemption and salvation, as poor but making many rich, as having nothing materialistically and yet possessing all things ecclesiastically.
11 Our mouth has been opened to YOU, my human family, our h.e.a.r.t (Heroic Endevours And Real Truths) has widened out. 12 YOU are not cramped for room within us, but YOU are cramped for room in YOUR own tender affections. 13 So, as a recompense in return—I an I speak as to family members—YOU, too, widen out.

14 Do not become unevenly yoked with Jesuit unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness in human rights law and lawlessness in Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination (mental slavery)have?

Or what sharing does human rights l.i.g.h.t have with Jesuit Supremacy darkness (IMF debt)? 15 Further, what harmony is there between Kristos (Christ - the Anointed One of Ethiopia) and Be´li·al (duppy - ghost)?

Or what portion does a faithful human rights ambassador (servant) have with an unreasonable Jesuit unbeliever? 16 And what agreement does Elect of God the Father Majesty of Ethiopia’s human temple have with Jesuit idols (roman image)?

For we are a temple of a living Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia; just as Abba Jahnoy said: “I an I shall reside among them Jesuit BANKERS and diplomatically walk among [them], and I an I shall be their Elect of God the Son, and they will be my tewahedo (oneness) Christian people.”

17 “‘Therefore get out from among them IMF DEBTORS, and separate yourselves,’ says Abba Jahnoy, ‘and quit touching the unclean Jesuit Supremacy things’”; “‘and I an I will take YOU in at the UN in Geneva.’” 18 “‘And I an I shall be a faithful friend an Creditor to humanity, and YOU will be brothers an sisters to me,’ says Abba Jahnoy the Almighty Human Rights Law-giver.”

1 Therefore, since we have these diplomatic promises, beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh (political status) and spirit (intelligence), perfecting holiness (sacred - debt free) in Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s fear.

2 ALLOW room for us. We have wronged no one, we have corrupted no one, we have taken advantage of no one. 3 I an I do not say this to condemn anyone. For I an I have said before that all humanity is in our hearts to politically die and to diplomatically live with us. 4 I an I have great freeness of speech toward humanity. I an I have great boasting in regard to humanity. I an I am filled with universal political comfort, I an I am overflowing with joy in all our affliction.


Psalms 89:1-37, 49-52
1 Abba Jahnoy’s (Father Majesty of Ethiopia's) expressions of loving-kindness I an I will sing about even to time indefinite. For generation after generation I an I shall make your faithfulness known with my mouth. 2 For I an I have said: “Loving-kindness will stay built even to time indefinite; As for the heavens (ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia), you keep your faithfulness firmly established in them.”

3 “I an I have concluded a human rights covenant toward my chosen one; I an I have sworn to David (he who is well pleasing) my servant (ambassador), 4 ‘Even to time indefinite I an I shall firmly establish your seed (Son), And I an I will build your throne to generation after generation.’” Selah.

5 And the heavens (Empire of Ethiopia) will laud your marvelous human rights act, O Abba Jahnoy, Yes, your faithfulness in the autonomous congregation of the holy ones (Emperors of Ethiopia). 6 For who in the skies (social atmosphere) can be compared to Abba Jahnoy? Who can resemble Abba Jahnoy among the sons of Elect of God in Ethiopia today?

7 Elect of God the Son of Humanity is to be held in awe among the intimate group of holy ones (Emperors of Ethiopia); He is grand and fear-inspiring over all who are round about him in flesh (political status). 8 O Abba Jahnoy Elect of God of intellectual armies, Who is vigorous like you, O Jah? And your faithfulness is all around you.

9 You are ruling over the swelling of the sea (international sea) of global commerce (trade); When it commercially raises up its waves you yourself diplomatically calm them. 10 You yourself have intellectually crushed Jesuit BANKERS, even as someone politically slain. By the political arm of your diplomatic strength you have scattered your Jesuit enemies. 11 Heaven (Empire of Ethiopia) is yours, the earth (193 member nation states) also is yours; The productive land and what fills it—you yourself have founded them.

12 The north and the south—you yourself created them; Ta´bor and Her´mon—in your name they cry out joyfully. 13 A political arm with mightiness is yours, Your hand is diplomatically strong, Your diplomatic right hand is politically exalted.
14 Righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness) and universal human rights judgment are the established place of your throne; Loving-kindness and trueness themselves come in before your face.

15 Happy are the people knowing the joyful shouting. O Abba Jahnoy, in the human rights l.i.g.h.t of your face they keep diplomatically walking. 16 In your name (hereditary title) they are joyful all day long, And in your righteousness (legal & lawful uprightness) they are exalted.

17 For you are the beauty of their diplomatic strength; And by your goodwill our horn of universal redemption and salvation is politically exalted. 18 For our diplomatic shield belongs to Abba Jahnoy, And our Solomonic king (ecclesiastical private diplomat) belongs to the Holy One of Israel (he who diplomatically conquers).

19 At that time you spoke in a vision to your loyal ones, And you proceeded to say:
“I an I have placed diplomatic help upon a mighty one; I an I have exalted a chosen one from among the tewahedo Christian people. 20 I an I have found David (he who is well pleasing) my servant (ambassador); With my holy oil of exultation I an I have anointed him, 21 With whom my own diplomatic hand will be politically firm, Whom my own political arm also will diplomatically strengthen.

22 No Jesuit enemy will make exactions (taxation) upon him, Neither will any of the p.o.p.e’s sons (Jesuits) of unrighteousness commercially afflict him. 23 And from before him I an I will crush his Jesuit adversaries to pieces, And to those intensely hating him I an I kept dealing out spiritual (intellectual) blows.

24 And my faithfulness and my loving-kindness are with His Imperial Majesty Anointed Son, And in my name (hereditary title)his horn of universal redemption and salvation towards all is politically exalted. 25 And on the sea of global commerce (trade) I an I have put his political hand, And on the rivers his diplomatic right hand. 26 He himself calls out to me, ‘You are my Father Majesty of Ethiopia (Abba Jahnoy), My Elect of God in Ethiopia and the Rock of my human rights redemption and salvation TODAY.’

27 Also, I an I myself shall place him as diplomatic firstborn, The most high of the kings (private diplomats) of the earth (193 member nation states). 28 To time indefinite I an I shall preserve my loving-kindness toward him, And my human rights covenant of mercy will be faithful to him. 29 And I an I shall certainly set up his seed forever, And his throne as the days of heaven (Empire of Ethiopia).

30 If his sons leave my universal human rights law, And in my judicial decisions they do not diplomatically walk, 31 If they profane my own statutes, And they do not keep my own human rights commandments, 32 I an I must also turn my attention to their transgression (commercial sins) even with a rod (Heir of political correction). And to their commercial error even with strokes. 33 But my loving-kindness I an I shall not break off from His Imperial Majesty of Ethiopia, Nor shall I an I prove false with regard to my faithfulness.

34 I an I shall not profane my human rights covenant, of MERCY,  And the expression out of my lips I an I shall not politically change. 35 Once I an I have sworn in my holiness (sacred – debt free), To David (he who is well pleasing) I an I will not tell Jesuit SUPREMACY lies.
36 His seed itself will prove to be even to time indefinite, And his throne as the sun (SON OF RIGHTEOUSNESS) in front of me. 37 As the moon (THRONE OF DAVID) it will be firmly established for time indefinite, And [as] a faithful diplomatic witness in the skies (social atmosphere).” Se´lah.

49 Where are your former political acts of loving-kindness, O Abba Jahnoy, About which you swore to David (he who is well pleasing) in your faithfulness?
50 Remember, O Abba Jahnoy, the reproach upon your servants (ambassadors), My carrying in my bosom [the reproach of] all the many peoples,
51 How your Jesuit enemies have politically reproached, O Abba Jahnoy,
How they have politically reproached the footprints of your anointed one of Ethiopia.
52 Blessed be Abba Jahnoy to time indefinite. Amen and Amen.

Pro 6:20-35, 17:6, 9, 10:1-9, 23:22-25
20 Observe, O my son, the human rights commandment of your Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy), and do not forsake the human rights law of your mother (Virgin Mariam). 21 Tie them upon your h.e.a.r.t constantly; politically bind them upon your throat.

22 When you walk about, it will diplomatically lead you; when you lie down, it will politically stand guard over you; and when you have waked up, it itself will make you its concern. 23 For the human rights commandment is a lamp (long awaited mantle of praise), and a human rights l.i.g.h.t (Loving In God's Heavenly Triune) the universal human rights law is, and the reproofs of discipline are the political way of diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality), 24 to guard you against the bad woman (catholic church), against the smoothness of the tongue of the foreign woman.

25 Do not desire her prettiness in your h.e.a.r.t, and may she not take you with her lustrous eyes, 26 because in behalf of a woman prostitute [one comes down] to a round loaf of bread; but as regards another man’s wife, she hunts even for a precious soul. 27 Can a man rake together fire into his bosom, and yet, his very garments not be burned? 28 Or can a man walk upon the coals and his feet themselves not be scorched?

29 Likewise with anyone having commercial relations with the wife (church) of his Jesuit fellowman, no one touching her (catholic church) will remain unpunished. 30 People do not despise a Jesuit thief just because he commits thievery to fill his soul (spirit an flesh) when he is hungry for knowledge.

31 But, when found, he will make it good with seven times as much; all the valuables of his house he will give. 32 Anyone committing adultery with a woman (church) is in want of h.e.a.r.t; he that does it is bringing his own soul (spirit an flesh) to political ruin. 33 A plague and dishonor he will find, and his political  reproach itself will not be wiped out.

34 For the rage of an able-bodied man is jealousy, and he will not show compassion in the day of vengeance. 35 He will have no consideration for any sort of diplomatic ransom, neither will he show willingness, no matter how large you make the present.

6 The crown of old men is the grandsons, and the beauty of sons is their fathers (Abba’s).

Proverbs 9:1-18

1 True divine Ethiopian wisdom has built its house; it has hewn out its seven pillars of faith. 2 It has organized its meat slaughtering; it has mixed its wine; more than that, it has set in order its table. 3 It has sent forth its lady attendants, that it may call out on top of the heights of the town: 4 “Whoever is inexperienced, let him turn aside here.” Whoever is in want of h.e.a.r.t—she has said to him: 5 “Come, feed yourselves with my bread (false SUPREMACY doctrine) and share in drinking the wine that I an I have mixed. 6 Leave the inexperienced ones and keep living, and diplomatically walk straight in the way of universal human rights understanding of fundamental equality for all.”

7 He that is correcting the ridiculer is taking to himself dishonor, and he that is giving a reproof to someone wicked—a defect in him. 8 Do not reprove a ridiculer, that he may not hate you. Give a reproof to a wise person and he will love you. 9 Give to a wise person and he will become still wiser. Impart human rights knowledge to someone righteous (legal an lawful) and he will increase in learning.

10 The fear of Abba Jahnoy is the start of divine Ethiopian wisdom, and the human rights knowledge of the Most Holy One is what understanding is. 11 For by me your days will become many, and to you years of diplomatic l.i.f.e. will be added. 12 If you have become wise, you have become wise in your own behalf; and if you have ridiculed, you will bear [it], just you alone. 13 A woman of stupidity is boisterous. She is simplemindedness itself and has come to know nothing whatever.

14 And she has seated herself at the entrance of her house, upon a seat, [in] the high places of the town, 15 to call out to those passing along the way, those who are going straight ahead on their paths: 16 “Whoever is inexperienced, let him turn aside here.” And whoever is in want of h.e.a.r.t—she has also said to him: 17 “Stolen waters themselves are sweet, and bread [eaten] in secrecy—it is pleasant.” 18 But he has not come to know that those impotent in death in commerce (IMF debtors) are there, that those called in by her are in the low places of She´ol (IMF Jesuit commercial hell on earth).

1 Proverbs of Sol´o·mon.

A wise son is the one that makes a Father Majesty rejoice, and a stupid son is the grief of his mother. 2 The treasures (7oo trillion dollar world debt) of the wicked Jesuit one (pope) will be of no benefit, but righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness) is what will diplomatically deliver from death in commerce (IMF debtor). 3 Abba Jahnoy will not cause the soul (spirit an flesh) of the righteous (legal an lawful) one to go hungry for human rights knowledge, but the craving of the wicked Jesuit ones he will diplomatically push away.

4 The one commercially working with a slack hand will be of little means, but the diplomatic hand of the diligent one is what will politically make one rich. 5 The son acting with human rights insight is gathering during the summertime; the son acting shamefully is fast asleep during the harvest. 6 Blessings are for the head of the righteous one, but as regards the mouth of the wicked Jesuit ones, it covers up violence.

7 The remembrance of the righteous one is due for a blessing, but the very name of the wicked Jesuit ones will rot.

8 The one wise in heart will accept human rights commandments, but the foolish Jesuit one with his lips will be trodden down. 9 He that is spiritually (intellectually) walking in integrity will walk in diplomatic security, but he that is making his commercial ways crooked will make himself known as the international man of lawlessness.

22 Listen to your Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy) who caused your spiritual (intellectual) rebirth, and do not despise your mother (Virgin Mariam) just because she has grown over 2000 years old. 23 Buy t.r.u.t.h. itself and do not sell it to Jesuit BANKERS— divine Ethiopian wisdom and firm discipline and human rights understanding. 

24 The Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy) of a righteous one will without fail be joyful; the one becoming father to a wise one will also rejoice in his universal human rights works. 25 Your Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy) and your mother (Virgin Mariam) will rejoice, and she that gave spiritual (intellectual) rebirth to you will be joyful.

Isa 38:10-20, 64, 65
10 I an I myself said: “In the midst of my universal human rights judgment (DECISION MAKING) days I an I will go into the commercial gates of She´ol (Jesuits hell on earth). I an I must be commercially deprived of the remainder of my years.” 11 I an I have said: “I an I shall not see Jah, even Jah, in the land of the living ones. I an I shall no more look on mankind—with the inhabitants of [the land of] cessation. 12 My own habitation has been pulled out and removed from me like the tent of shepherds.

I an I have rolled up my life just like a loom worker; One proceeds to cut me off from the very threads of the warp. From daylight till night you keep handing me over. 13 I an I have soothed myself until the morning. Like a lion, so he keeps breaking all my bones; From daylight till night you keep handing me over. 14 Like the swift, the bulbul, so I an I keep chirping; I an I keep cooing like the dove.

My eyes have looked languishingly to the height: ‘O Abba Jahnoy, I an I am under Jesuit commercial oppression. Diplomatically Stand good for me.’ 15 What shall I an I speak, and [what] will he actually say to me? He himself has also acted. I an I keep walking solemnly all my years in the bitterness of my soul (spirit an flesh).

16 ‘O Abba Jahnoy, on that account they keep living; and as with everybody, thereby is the life of my spirit. And you will restore me to health and certainly preserve me diplomatically alive. 17 Look! For universal peace I an I had what was bitter, yes, bitter; And you yourself have become attached to my soul [and kept it] from the IMF commercial pit of disintegration. For you have thrown behind your back all my commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of Equality).

18 For it is not She´ol that can laud you; death in commerce (IMF debtor) itself cannot praise you. Those going down into the IMF commercial pit cannot look hopefully to your trueness. 19 The diplomatically living, the diplomatically living, he is the one that can laud you, Just as I an I can this day. The Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy) himself can give human rights knowledge to his own sons concerning your trueness.

20 O Abba Jahnoy, [undertake] to diplomatically save me, and we shall play my string selections All the days of our diplomatic l.i.f.e at the house (United Nations) of Abba Jahnoy.’”


Queen Makeda of Tigre 

(Queen Sheba)

Isaiah 64:1-12

1 O if only you had spiritually (intellectually) ripped the heavens (ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia) apart, that you had come down, that on account of you the very mountains (bankrupt nation states) had politically quaked, 2 as when a fire ignites the brushwood, [and] the fire makes the very water boil up, in order to make your name (hereditary title) known to your Jesuit adversaries, that on account of you the bankrupt nation states might be politically agitated! 

3 When you did fear-inspiring things for which we could not hope, you came down. On account of you the mountains themselves quaked. 4 And from time long ago none have heard, nor have any given ear, nor has an eye itself seen a Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, except you, that diplomatically acts for the one that keeps in expectation of His righteousness (legal & lawful uprightness). 

5 You have met up with the one exulting and doing righteousness, those who keep remembering you in your own diplomatic ways.

Look! You yourself became indignant, while we kept commercially sinning—in them a long time, and should we be diplomatically saved? 6 And we become like someone unclean, all of us, and all our political acts of righteousness are like a garment for periods of menstruation; and we shall fade away like leafage, all of us, and our commercial errors themselves will carry us away just like a wind. 
7 And there is no one calling upon your name (hereditary title), no one rousing himself to lay hold on you; for you have concealed your face from us, and you cause us to melt by the sovereign power (knowledge) of our commercial error.

8 And now, O Abba Jahnoy, you are our Father Majesty of Ethiopia. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; and all of us are the human rights work of your diplomatic hand. 9 Do not be indignant, O Abba Jahnoy, to the extreme, and do not forever remember [our] commercial error.

Look, now, please: we are all your people. 10 Your own holy cities have become a wilderness. Zion (Ethiopia) itself has become a sheer wilderness, Jerusalem (city of international peace) a desolate waste. 11 Our house of holiness and beauty (Empire of Ethiopia), in which our forefathers (Emperors of Ethiopia) praised you, has itself become something for burning in the fire; and every one of our desirable things has become a devastation.
12 In the face of these things will you continue keeping yourself in check, O Abba Jahnoy? Will you stay still and let us be afflicted by Jesuit BANKERS to the extreme?

Isaiah 65:1-25

1 “I an I have let myself be searched for by those Rastafarians who had not asked [for me]. I an I have let myself be found by those Tewahedo (oneness) Christians who had not looked for me. I an I have said, ‘Here I an I am, here I an I am!’ to a nation that was not calling upon my name (hereditary title).

2 “I an I have spread out my diplomatic hands all day long to a stubborn people, those who are politically walking in the commercial way that is not good, after their thoughts; 3 the people [made up of] those Jesuit BANKERS offending me right to my face constantly, sacrificing in the gardens and making sacrificial smoke upon the bricks, 4 seating themselves among the burial places, who also pass the night even in the watch huts, eating the flesh of the pig, even the broth of foul things being in their vessels; 5 those who are saying, ‘Keep close to yourself. Do not approach me, for I an I shall certainly convey holiness to you.’ These are a smoke in my nostrils, a fire burning all day long.

6 “Look! It is written before me. I an I shall not keep still, but I an I will render a diplomatic reward; I an I will even render the diplomatic reward into their own bosom, 7 for their own Jesuit commercial errors and for the Jesuit SUPREMACY errors of their forefathers at the same time,” Abba Jahnoy has said. “Because they have made sacrificial smoke upon the mountains, and upon the hills they have politically reproached me, I an I will also measure out their wages first of all into their own bosom.”

8 This is what Abba Jahnoy has said: “In the same way that the new wine is found in the cluster and someone has to say, ‘Do not ruin it, because there is a blessing in it,’ so I an I shall do for the sake of my servants (ambassadors) in order not to bring everybody to political ruin. 9 And I an I will diplomatically bring forth out of Jacob (younger generation) an offspring and out of Judah (law-givers) the hereditary possessor of my Debre Zeit mountains in Jamaica; and my chosen ones must take political possession of it, and my own servants (ambassadors) will reside there.

11 “But YOU Jesuit men are those leaving Abba Jahnoy, those forgetting my holy Debre Zeit mountain, those setting in order a table for the god of Good Jesuit Supremacy Luck and those filling up mixed wine for the god of Papal Destiny.

12 And I an I will destine YOU Jesuit men to the sword (pen), and YOU will all of YOU bow down to being slaughtered (excommunicated); for the reason that I an I called the Virgin Mariam, but YOU Jesuit BANKERS did not answer; I an I spoke human rights equality, but YOU Jesuit priests did not listen; and YOU kept doing what was commercially bad in my eyes, and the thing in which I an I took no delight YOU chose.”

13 Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy has said: “Look! My own servants (ambassadors) will eat, but YOU Jesuit BANKERS yourselves will go hungry for human rights knowledge. Look! My own servants (ambassadors) will drink, but YOU yourselves will go thirsty for divine Ethiopian wisdom.

Look! My own servants (ambassadors) will rejoice, but YOU yourselves will commercially suffer political shame. 14 Look! My own servants will cry out joyfully because of the good condition of the h.e.a.r.t, but YOU yourselves will make outcries because of the pain of h.e.a.r.t and YOU will howl because of sheer breakdown of spirit (intelligence).

15 And YOU Jesuit men will certainly lay up YOUR name for an oath by my chosen ones, and the Sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy will actually put [YOU] individually to death in commerce (IMF debtor status), but his own servants (ambassadors) he will call by another name (hereditary title); 16 so that anyone blessing himself in the earth (193 member nation states) will bless himself by the Elect of God the Son of universal human rights FAITH, and anyone making a sworn statement in the earth (193 member nation states)will swear by the Elect of God the Son of universal human rights FAITH; because the former commercial distresses will actually be forgotten and because they will actually be concealed from my eyes.

17 “For here I an I am creating new heavens (Empire of Ethiopia) and a new earth (193 member nation states); and the former commercial things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the h.e.a.r.t. 18 But exult, YOU people, and be joyful forever in what I an I am diplomatically creating. For here I an I am diplomatically creating a new Jerusalem (city of international peace) a cause for joyfulness and her people a cause for exultation.

19 And I an I will be joyful in the Episcopal See of Debre Zeit in Jamaica and exult in my tewahedo (oneness) Christian people; and no more will there be heard in her the sound of weeping or the sound of a plaintive cry.”

20 “No more will there come to be a suckling a few days old from that place, neither an old man that does not fulfill his days; for one will politically die as a mere boy, although a hundred years of age; and as for the commercial sinner (pope), although a hundred years of age he will have evil called down upon him.

21 And they will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat [their] fruitage. 22 They will not build and someone else have occupancy; they will not plant and someone else do the eating. For like the days of a tree will the days of my tewahedo Christian people be; and the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full.

23 They will not toil for nothing, nor will they bring to birth for disturbance; because they are the offspring made up of the blessed ones of Abba Jahnoy, and their Ethiopian descendants with them.

24 And it will actually occur, that before they call out for h.e.l.p. (Humans Encouraging Long-lasting Progress) I an I myself shall answer; while they are yet speaking, I an I myself shall hear.

25 “The Jesuit Supremacy wolf (pope) and the Ethiopian Orthodox Lamb (Iyesus our Ethiopian SAGE) themselves will feed as one, and the Ethiopian lion will eat straw just like the bull; and as for the serpent, his food will be dust. They will do no harm nor cause any political ruin in all my holy mountain (United Nations) of today 2012,” Abba Jahnoy has said.

Ethiopian Holy Gospel

Matt 23:2-13
2 “The scribes (lawyers) and the Pharisees (BANKERS who look down on others as debtor tax-paying serfs) have seated themselves in the seat of Moses (he who draws out). 3 Therefore all the commercial things they tell YOU, do and observe, but do not do according to their selfish commercial deeds, for they say but do not perform. 
4 They bind up heavy commercial loads and put them upon the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger. 5 All the human rights works they do they do to be viewed by Jesuit men; for they broaden the [scripture-containing] cases that they wear as commercial safeguards, and enlarge the fringes [of their garments]. 
6 They like the most prominent place at evening meals and the front seats in the synagogues, 7 and the greetings in the marketplaces and to be called Jesuit BANKERS by men. 8 But YOU, do not YOU be called a Jesuit BANKER, for one is YOUR human rights teacher, whereas all YOU are brothers and sisters. 

9 Moreover, do not call anyone YOUR Supreme Pontiff on earth (193 member nation states), for one is YOUR Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy), the heavenly One of Ethiopia. 
10 Neither be called political ‘leaders,’ for YOUR political Leader is one, Kristos (Christ - the Anointed One of Ethiopia) Iyesus (he who diplomatically saves his Father Majesty's tewahedo Christian people from global IMF DEBT). 11 But the greatest one among YOU must be YOUR human rights minister. 12 Whoever diplomatically exalts himself will be politically humbled, and whoever politically humbles himself will be diplomatically exalted.

13 Woe to YOU, scribes (lawyers) and Pharisees (Jesuit BANKERS), hypocrites! because YOU shut up the debt free UN Planetary kingdom of the heavens (Empire of Ethiopia) before Jesuit men; for YOU yourselves do not go in, neither do YOU permit those tewahedo Christians on their diplomatic way to the UN treaty organization to go in. 

Luke 2:49-52
49 But he said to them: “Why did YOU have to go looking for me? Did YOU not know that I an I must be in the [house] (UN) of my Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy)?” 50 However, they did not grasp the saying that he spoke to them. 51 And he went down with them and came to Naz´a·reth, and he continued subject to them. Also, his mother carefully kept all these sayings in her heart. 52 And Iyesus went on progressing in divine Ethiopian wisdom and in physical growth and in diplomatic favor with Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia and Jesuit men.

John 8:42-56
42 Iyesus said to them: If Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia were YOUR Abba Jahnoy, YOU would universally love (obey UN law) me, for from Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia I an I diplomatically came forth and am here. Neither have I an I come of my own initiative at all, but that One in Ethiopia diplomatically sent me forth. 43 Why is it YOU do not know what I an I am speaking?

Because YOU cannot listen to my word (UN charter). 44 YOU are from YOUR father the Devil (pope), and YOU wish to do the evil commercial desires of YOUR father. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the t.r.u.t.h., because t.r.u.t.h. is not in him.
When he speaks the Jesuit Supremacy lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a Jesuit SUPREMACY liar and the father of [the Jesuit SUPREMACY lie]. 45 Because I an I, on the other hand, tell the t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile - Eliah), YOU do not believe me. 46 Who of YOU convicts me of commercial sin (transgressing divine covenant – UN charter)?

If I an I speak t.r.u.t.h., why is it YOU do not believe me? 47 He that is from Elect of God  the Father Majesty in Ethiopia listens to the sayings of Elect of God the Son. This is why YOU do not listen, because YOU are not from Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia.

48 In answer the Ethiopian Jews said to him: Do we not rightly say, You are a Sa·mar´i·tan and have a demon? 49 Iyesus answered: I an I do not have a demon, but I an I honor my Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy), and YOU dishonor me. 50 But I an I am not seeking glory (magnificence in law) for myself; there is One that is secretly seeking and judging. 

51 Most truly I an I say to YOU, If anyone observes my word (UN charter), he will never see death in commerce (IMF debtor status) at all. 52 The Ethiopian Jews said to him: Now we do know you have a demon. Abraham (family head) politically died, also the prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia); but you say, If anyone observes my word (UN charter), he will never taste death in commerce (IMF debtor status) at all. 53 You are not greater than our father Abraham, who politically died, are you?

Also, the prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia) politically died. Who do you universally claim to be? 54 Iyesus answered: If I an I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy) that glorifies me, he who YOU say is YOUR Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia55 and yet YOU have not known His Imperial Majesty's sacred covenant (UN charter). But I an I know His Imperial Majesty's universal human rights works of global unification in international law, WELL.

And if I an I said I an I do not know His Imperial Majesty human rights Law I an I should be like YOU, a Jesuit SUPREMACY liar. But I an I do know His Imperial Majesty's human rights Law and am observing his word (UN charter). 56 Abraham YOUR father rejoiced greatly in the prospect of seeing my universal human rights judgment day of today in 2012, and he saw it and rejoiced. 

Abba Moses

James 1:12-27, 2
12 Happy is the man that keeps on enduring Jesuit SUPREMACY trial, because on becoming approved he will spiritually (intellectually) receive the political crown of diplomatic l.i.f.e, which Abba Jahnoy promised to those who continue loving His Imperial Majesty's divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all.

13 When under Jesuit supremacy trial, let no one say: “I an I am being tried by Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia.” For with evil Jesuit supremacy things Elect of God the Son cannot be politically tried nor does he himself politically try anyone.

14 But each one is commercially tried by being drawn out and enticed by their own commercial desire. 15 Then the commercial desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to commercial sin (TRANSGRESSIONS AGAINST UN LAW OF EQUALITY); in turn, commercial sin, when it has been accomplished, brings forth death in commerce (IMF debtor status).

16 Do not be misled, my beloved human family. 17 Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father Majesty of the [celestial] human rights lights, and with His Imperial Majesty's sacred covenant (UN charter)  there is not a variation of the turning of the shadow. 18 Because he diplomatically willed it, he brought us forth by the word (divine covenant - UN charter) of t.r.u.t.h, for us to be certain diplomatic firstfruits of his human creatures.

19 Know this, my beloved human family. Every man must be swift about hearing human rights, slow about speaking commercial jibberish, slow about Jesuit wrath; 20 for man’s Jesuit wrath does not work out Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness). 21 Hence put away all filthiness and that superfluous thing, commercial badness, and accept with mildness the implanting of the word (UN charter) which is able to diplomatically save YOUR souls (spirit an flesh).

22 However, become doers of the word (UN charter), and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves with false Jesuit Supremacy reasoning. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word (UN charter), and not a doer, this one is like a man looking at his natural face in a mirror. 24 For he looks at himself, and off he goes and immediately forgets what sort of priceless an divine human being he is.

25 But he who peers into the perfect international human rights law that belongs to universal freedom, and who diplomatically persists in [it], this [man], because he has become, not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the divine human rights work, will be politically happy in his doing [it].

26 If any man seems to himself to be a formal worshiper and yet does not bridle his Jesuit Supremacy tongue of falsehood, but goes on deceiving his own h.e.a.r.t, this man’s form of human rights worship is futile. 27 The form of human rights worship (unconditional love – obey UN law) that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our Elect of God the Son and Father Majesty of Ethiopia is this: to look after orphans and widows in their IMF tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot (DEBT) from the bankrupt modern world of trade (commerce).

James 2:1-26

1 My brothers, YOU are not holding the universal human rights FAITH of our sovereign Lord (political master) Iyesus Kristos, our glory, with political acts of favoritism, are YOU? 

2 For, if a man with Jesuit gold rings on his fingers and in splendid clothing enters into a gathering of YOU, but a poor [man] in filthy clothing also enters, 3 yet YOU look with favor upon the one wearing the splendid clothing and say: “You take this seat here in a fine place,” and YOU say to the poor one: “You keep standing,” or: “Take that seat there under the Jesuits footstool,” 4 YOU have class distinctions among yourselves and YOU have become judges rendering wicked Jesuit decisions, is that not so?

5 Listen, my beloved human family. Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia chose the ones who are poor respecting the bankrupt modern world to be rich in human rights FAITH and heirs of the debt free UN Planetary kingdom of Equality in Righteousness, which he diplomatically promised to those who love (obey UN law) His Anointed Son, did he not? 

6 YOU, though, have dishonored the poor [man]. The rich Jesuit BANKERS oppress YOU, and they drag YOU before commercial law courts, do they not? 7 They blaspheme the fine Ethiopian baptismal name (hereditary title) by which YOU were called, do they not? 

8 If, now, YOU diplomatically practice carrying out the kingly human rights law according to the Ethiopian Holy Scripture: “You must love your neighbor as yourself,” YOU are doing quite well. 9 But if YOU continue showing Jesuit Supremacy favoritism, YOU are politically working a commercial sin (TRANSGRESSING UN LAW OF EQUALITY), for YOU are politically reproved by the universal human rights law as transgressors (Jesuit commercial sinners).

10 For whoever observes all the universal human rights Law but makes a false Jesuit Supremacy step in one point, he has become an ignorant offender against them all. 11 For he who said: “You must not commit adultery,” said also: “You must not murder.” If, now, you do not commit adultery but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of human rights law of fundamental equality. 
12 Keep on speaking human rights in such a diplomatic way and keep on doing in such a political way as those do who are going to be universally judged by the human rights law of a free people. 13 For the one that does not practice MERCY will have [his] universal human rights judgment without MERCY. Mercy exults triumphantly over universal human rights judgment.

14 Of what benefit is it, my human family, if a certain one says he has universal human rights Faith but he does not have human rights works? That universal human rights FAITH cannot diplomatically save him, can it? 15 If a brother or a sister is in a politically naked state and lacking the spiritual (intellectual) food sufficient for the day, 16 yet a certain one of YOU says to them: “Go in peace, keep warm and well fed,” but YOU do not give them the necessities (VOTE - will, wish, hope) for [their] body (human nature), of what benefit is it? 

17 Thus, too, universal human rights FAITH, if it does not have human rights works, is politically dead in itself.

18 Nevertheless, a certain one will say: “You have universal human rights FAITH, and I an I have human rights works. Show me your universal human rights FAITH apart from the human rights works, and I an I shall show you my universal human rights FAITH by my human rights works.” 

19You believe there is one Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the Jesuit demons (heartless bankers) believe and shudder. 20 But do you care to know, O empty man, that universal human rights FAITH apart from human rights works is INACTIVE? 

21 Was not Abraham (family head) our father declared righteous by human rights works after he had politically offered up Isaac his son upon the altar? 22 You behold that [his] universal human rights FAITH worked along with his human rights works and by [his] human rights works [his] universal human rights FAITH was perfected in human rights law, 23 and the Ethiopian Holy Scripture was fulfilled which says: “Abraham (family head) put universal human rights FAITH in Abba Jahnoy, and it was counted to him as righteousness,” and he came to be called “Abba Jahnoy’s friend.”

24 YOU see that a man is to be declared righteous by human rights works, and not by universal human rights FAITH alone.25 In the same manner was not also Ra´hab the harlot declared righteous by works, after she had received the messengers hospitably and sent them out by another way? 

26 In human rights deed (works), as the body (human nature) without spirit (intelligence) is politically dead, so also universal human rights FAITH without human rights works is politically dead in global commerce (trade).


A Salutation
of the Blessed Virgin Mariam


Hail, O Lady, Holy Queen,
Mariam, holy Mother of Elect of God the Son of

Humanity, Who are the Virgin made Church, chosen

by the most Holy Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy) in

heaven (ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia) whom

he consecrated with His most holy beloved Son and

with the Holy Spirit (Menfis Qidus) the Paraclete, in

whom there was and is all fullness of grace (political

freedom) and every good human rights works. 

Hail His Palace in Ethiopia! Hail His Tabernacle in

a Tewahedo (oneness) Christian Faith! 

Hail His Dwelling on earth (193 member nation


Hail His Coronation Robe! Hail His Servants -

(Universal human rights Ambassadors)! 


Hail His Mother Mariam! And hail all You holy

virtues which are poured into the hearts of the

faithful through the grace (political freedom) and

enlightenment of the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), that

from being unbelievers, You may make them faithful

to Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia’s divine

covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality 4all. 


The Praises
of Elect of God and the Blessing

You are the holy sovereign Lord (political master)
Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia!

Who does wonderful diplomatic things? You are

politically strong. You are exceedingly GREAT. You

are the most high human rights law-giver on the


You are the almighty Solomonic king (ecclesiastical

private diplomat). You are the holy (sacred – debt

free Abba) King (private diplomat) of heaven

(Ethiopia) and earth (193 member nation states).

You are three in one, the sovereign Lord (political

master) Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia

of gods; You are the good, all good, the highest

good, sovereign Lord Elect of God the Father

Majesty in Ethiopia diplomatically living and true.

You are universal love (obey UN law), Holy (sacred

–debt free) charity; You are divine Ethiopian

wisdom, You are humility, You are patience. You are

beauty, You are meekness, You are diplomatic

security, You are political rest (LORD'S SABBATH),

You are gladness and joy,

You are our universal hope in an Ethiopian Christ

(Kristos), You are international justice (just

action), You are moderation, You are all our riches

to sufficiency.

You are beauty, You are meekness, You are the

universal human rights protector, You are our

custodian and human rights defender (Prophet), You

are diplomatic strength, You are political

refreshment, You are our universal hope in Ethiopian

Kristos TODAY, You are our universal human rights

FAITH, You are our holy (sacred – debt free)

charity, You are all our sweetness, You

are our eternal diplomatic l.i.f.e. (Living In Full


Great and wonderful sovereign Lord (political

master), Almighty Human Rights Law-giver an Elect

of God the Son of Humanity, Merciful Diplomatic


The Praises to be said at all the Hours
Holy, holy, holy sovereign Lord (political master) Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, Almighty Human Rights Law-giver, Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come. And let us praise and glorify His Imperial Majesty forever. O sovereign Lord our Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, You are worthy to spiritually (intellectually) receive praise, glory (magnificence in human rights law) and honour and blessing.

And let us praise and glorify His Imperial Majesty forever. The Lamb Who was slain is worthy to spiritually (intellectually) receive sovereign (politically free) power (human rights Knowledge) and divinity, true divine Ethiopian wisdom and diplomatic strength, honour and glory and blessing. And let us praise and glorify His Imperial Majesty forever. Let us bless the Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) and the Wolde (Son of Humanity) with the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit): And let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Bless the sovereign Lord (political master) and all your human rights works of the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy. And let us praise and glorify His Imperial Majesty forever. Sing praise to our Elect of God the Son, all you His servants (ambassadors) and you who fear Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, the small and the great.

And let us praise and glorify His Imperial Majesty forever. Let Empire of Ethiopia (heaven) and 193 member nation states (earth) praise His Imperial Majesty Who is glorious. And let us praise and glorify His Imperial Majesty forever. Every human creature in Empire of Ethiopia (heaven), on earth and under the earth (unregistered); and in the sea of commerce (trade) and those which are in it. And let us praise and glorify His Imperial Majesty forever. Glory to the Father Majesty and to the Son of Humanity and to the Holy Spirit (Elect of God's intelligence).

And let us praise and glorify His Imperial Majesty forever. As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. And let us praise and glorify His Imperial Majesty forever. All-powerful, most holy, most high, supreme Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia:
all good, supreme good, totally good, You Who alone are good, may we give You all praise, all glory, all thanks, all honour, all blessing, and all good. So be it! So be it!

Exhortation to the Praise of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia. Fear the sovereign Lord (political master) and give His Imperial Majesty honour. Worthy is the sovereign Lord to receive praise and honour. All you who fear the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy praise His Imperial Majesty.

Hail Mariam, full of grace (political freedom), the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy is with thee. Ethiopia (Heaven) and earth (193 member nation states), praise His Imperial Majesty. All you rivers, praise the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy.

All you children of Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, praise the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy. This is the universal human rights judgment day the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy has made,    let us rejoice and be glad in it!  Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! The Solomonic King (ecclesiastical diplomat) of Israel (one who diplomatically conquers)!

Let every spirit (intelligence) praise the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy. Praise the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy because He is good; all you who read this, bless the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy. All you human creatures, bless the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy. All you birds of heaven (Empire of Ethiopia), praise the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy. All you children, praise the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy.

Young men and virgins, praise the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy. Worthy is the Lamb (Iyesus our Ethiopian SAGE) Who was politically slain to receive praise, glory, and honour. Blessed be the Holy Triune and Undivided Diplomatic Unity. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in intellectual battle.

The Office of the Passion of the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy

Holy Virgin Mariam, among the women (churches) born into the commercial world, there is no one like you. Daughter and servant (ambassador) of the most high Ethiopian Human Rights law-giver of today (2012) and supreme King (private diplomat) and of the Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) in Ethiopia (heaven), Mother of our most holy sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos, Spouse of the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), pray for us with Saint Michael the Archangel, all the powers (knowledge) of heaven (Empire of Ethiopia) and all the saints, at the side of your most holy beloved Son, our sovereign Lord and human rights Teacher.

Psalm VII:

All you bankrupt nation states clap your hands shout to Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia with a voice of gladness. For the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy, the Most High Human Rights Law-giver the Awesome, is the Great Solomonic King (ecclesiastical private diplomat) over all the earth (193 member nation states).

For the Most Holy Father of heaven, our Solomonic King (ecclesiastical private diplomat) before all ages,  sent His Beloved Son from on high and has brought human rights redemption and salvation in the midst of the earth. Let the heavens (Empire of Ethiopia)  rejoice and the earth exult, let the sea (international law) of commerce (trade) and all that is in it be politically moved, let the fields and all that is in them be glad.

Sing a new song to His Imperial Majesty, Sing to the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy all the earth (193 member nation states). Because the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy is great and highly to be praised, awesome beyond all Jesuit gods. Give to the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy, you human families of bankrupt nation states, Give to the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy glory and honour, Give to the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy the glory due His name (hereditary title).

Take up your bodies (human Nature) and carry His holy cross (political torture stake of humiliation) and follow His most holy human rights commands even to the end of IMF globalization policies. Let the whole earth tremble before His face tell among the bankrupt nation states that the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy has ruled (USURPED JESUIT SUPREMACY) from a Solomonic family tree (Dynasty).

He politically ascended into the ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia (heaven) and is seated at the diplomatic right hand of the most holy Father Majesty in heaven.  O Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, be politically exalted above the heavens and above all the earth be your glory (magnificence in human rights law). We know that He (Ethiopian Messiah) is coming, and that He will come to universally deliver justice (political just action).

Psalm XV:

Exult in Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia our diplomatic help! Shout to the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy our Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia diplomatically living and true with cries of gladness! Because the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy, the Most High Human Rights Law-giver, the Awesome, is the Great Solomonic King (ecclesiastical private diplomat) over all the earth (193 member nation states).
Because the Most Holy Father Majesty of heaven (Empire of Ethiopia), our Solomonic King before all ages,  sent His Beloved Son from on high and He was spiritually reborn of the Blessed Holy Virgin Mariam (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Faith).

He called to me: You are my Father Majesty and I an I will place His Imperial Majesty's Anointed Son, my diplomatic firstborn, as the Highest Ambassador above all the Jesuit kings (private diplomats) of the earth (193 member nation states). On that universal human rights judgment day the sovereign Lord (political master) will send His mercy and at night His song.

This is the universal human rights judgment day the sovereign Lord (political master) has diplomatically made thru Ethiopian Holy Scriptures, let us rejoice and be glad in it. For the Most Holy Child has been given to us and has been spiritually (intellectually) reborn for humanity on the diplomatic way, and placed in a manger (lowly birth) because he did not have a place in the Jesuits Supremacy inn.

Glory to the sovereign Lord (political master) Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia in the highest and universal peace on earth (193 member nation states) to those of good human rights will. Let the heavens (Empire of Ethiopia) rejoice and the earth (193 member nation states) exult, let the sea (international law) of commerce (trade) and its fullness resound, let the fields and all that is in them be joyful.
Sing a new song of political emancipation to the sovereign Lord, sing to the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) all the earth.

Because the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy is great and worthy of praise. He is awesome beyond all Jesuit gods. Give sacred trust (credit) to the sovereign Lord, you families of bankrupt nation states, give to the sovereign Lord glory and praise; give to the sovereign Lord the glory due His name (hereditary title). Take up your bodies and carry His holy cross.    And follow His most holy human rights commands even to the end of global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination of today..

Prayer to the Triune

Almighty Law-giver, eternal, just and merciful Atsie (Elect of God), give us humble ones the grace (political freedom) to do for You alone what we know You want us to do (human rights salvation from death in commerce – IMF debtor status) and always to desire what pleases You.

Inwardly cleansed, interiorly enlightened with human rights and inflamed by the fire of the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), may we be able to follow in the diplomatic footprints of Your beloved Son, our Lord Iyesus Kristos, and, by Your grace alone, may we make our diplomatic way to you, Most High Human Rights Law-giver, Who diplomatically live and politically rule in perfect Triune and simple Unity, and are glorified (magnified in human rights law) in Elect of God the Son almighty law-giver, Forever and ever. Amen.

Let us bless the sovereign Lord (political master) Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia diplomatically living and politically true!
Let us always render His imperial Majesty praise, glory, honour, blessing and every good. Amen. Amen, So be it. So be it.

(From the Office of the Passion)

Fear and honour, praise and bless, give thanks and adore the sovereign Lord Atsie (Elect of God) Almighty Law-giver in Triune and in Unity, Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy), Son of Humanity(Wolde Atsie) and Holy Spirit (Menfis Qidus), the Creator of all.

The invitation to restore all goods to the sovereign Lord in Ethiopia.

Let us refer all good human rights works to the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy, Elect of God Almighty Law-giver and Most High Ambassador, acknowledge that every good human rights works is His, and thank His Imperial Majesty, “from Whom all good human rights works diplomatically comes, for everything.

May He, The Almighty Law-giver and Most High ambassador, The only true Atsie (Elect of God), Have, be given, and receive All spiritual (intellectual) honour and diplomatic respect, All praise and blessing, All thanks and glory (magnificence in human rights law), To Whom all good human rights works belongs, He Who alone is the good human rights shepherd.

Prayer and Thanksgiving

All-powerful, most holy (sacred - debt free), Almighty Law-giver and supreme Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, Holy and just Father  Majesty (Abba Jahnoy), sovereign Lord & Solomonic King (private diplomat) of the ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia (heaven) and earth (193 member nation states) we thank You for Yourself for through Your holy will (divine covenant - UN charter) and through Your only begotten Son with the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit) You have created everything spiritual and corporal and, after making us in Your own political image and cultural likeness (Ethiopian Noble), You placed us in diplomatic paradise. Through our own commercial fault we fell.

We thank You for as through Your Son You created us, so through Your holy love (obey UN law of Equality) with which You loved us, You brought about His spiritual (intellectual) rebirth as true Atsie (Elect of God) and true man by the glorious, ever-virgin, most blessed, holy Mariam and You willed to redeem (buy back) us captives (1st an 2nd class citizens) through His cross (torture stake of humiliation – political persecutions) and blood (human rights works) and death in commerce (debtor status).

We thank You for Your Son Himself who has come again in the glory of His Father Majesty, to send into the eternal fire the wicked Jesuit BANKERS who have not done penance and have not known You and to say to all those who have known You, adored You and served You in penance: "Come, you blessed of my Father Majesty of Ethiopia (Abba Jahnoy), receive the debt free UN Planetary kingdom of equality prepared for humanity from the beginning of the modern world in 1948."

Because all of us, wretches and commercial sinners (IMF tax-payers – Jesuit debtors), are not worthy to pronounce Your name (hereditary title), we humbly ask our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos, Your beloved Son, in Whom You were well pleased, together with the Holy Spirit (Menfis Qidus), the Paraclete, to give You thanks, for everything as it pleases You and His Imperial Majesty, Who always satisfies You in everything, through Whom You have done so much for us. Alleluia!

Because of Your love (obedience to UN law of Equality), we humbly beg the glorious Mother, the most blessed, ever-virgin Mariam, Blessed Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, all the choirs of the blessed seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations, principalities, powers (knowledge), virtues, angels (private diplomats), archangels (universal ambassadors), Blessed John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, Kidus Petros (St Peter), Kidus Paulos (St Paul), the blessed patriarchs and prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia), the innocents, apostles, evangelists, disciples, the martyrs, confessors and virgins, the blessed Elijah (Haile) and Henoch, all the saints who were, who will be, and who are to give You thanks for these ecclesiastical things, as it pleases You, Elect of God the Father Majesty of Ethiopia, true and supreme, eternal and diplomatically living, with Your most beloved Son, our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos, and the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), the Paraclete, world without end. Amen. Alleluia!

All of us lesser brothers, useless servants, humbly ask and beg those who wish to serve the sovereign Lord (political master) Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia within the holy Virgin Mariam and Apostolic Church and all the following orders: Patriarch, Archbishop, Bishops, priests, archdeacons, deacons, debteras, all religious men and women, all penitents and youths, the poor and the needy, kings (private diplomats) and princes, workers and farmers, servants and masters, all virgins, continent and married women, all lay people, men and women, all children, adolescents, young and old, the healthy and the sick, all the small and the great, all peoples, races, tribes, and tongues, all bankrupt nation states and all peoples everywhere on earth (193 member nation states), who are and who will be to persevere in the true universal human rights FAITH and in penance for otherwise no one will be diplomatically saved from global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination (world wide APOSTASY).

With our whole h.e.a.r.t, our whole soul, our whole mind, with our whole diplomatic strength and political fortitude with our whole human rights understanding with all our powers (knowledge) with every effort, every affection, every feeling, every desire and wish let us all love (obey UN law of Equality) the sovereign Lord (political master) Elect of God the Father Majesty in Ethiopia, Who has given and gives to each one of us our whole body (human nature), our whole soul (spirit an flesh) and our whole diplomatic  l.i.f.e. (living in full equality), Who has politically created, commercially redeemed and will diplomatically save humanity by His MERCY alone, Who did and does everything good for humanity, miserable and wretched, rotten and foul, ungrateful and evil Jesuit ones.

Therefore, let us desire nothing else, let us want nothing else, let nothing else please us and cause us delight except our Creator (Creditor ), Redeemer (Private LION OF JUDAH BANKER) and Diplomatic Saviour (Ethiopian Messiah), the only true Atsie (Elect of God), Who is the fullness of good, all good, every good, the true and supreme good, Who alone is good, merciful, gentle, delightful, and sweet, Who alone is holy, just, true, holy, and upright, Who alone is kind, innocent, clean, from Whom, through Whom and in Whom is all pardon (international Amnesty), all grace (political freedom), all glory (magnificence in human rights law) of all penitents and just ones, of all the blessed rejoicing together in the ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia (heaven).

Therefore, let nothing hinder us, nothing separate us, nothing come between us.

Wherever we are, in every place, at every hour, at every time of the day, every day and continually, let all of us truly and humbly believe, hold in our h.e.a.r.t and universal love (obey UN law of Equality), honour, adore, serve, praise and bless, glorify and exalt, magnify and give thanks to the Most High Human Rights Law-giver and Supreme Eternal Atsie (Elect of God) Triune and Unity, Father Majesty (Abba JAhnoy), Son of Humanity (Wolde Atsie) and Holy Spirit (Menfis Qidus), Creator (Creditor) of all,

Diplomatic Saviour of all Who believe and universally hope in His Imperial Majesty's sacred covenant (UN charter), and love (obey UN law of quality) His Imperial Majesty in t.r.u.t.h., Who, without beginning and end, is unchangeable, invisible, indescribable, ineffable, incomprehensible, unfathomable, blessed, praiseworthy, glorious, exalted, sublime, most high, gentle, lovable, delightful, and totally desirable above all else for ever.

Blessed is he who loves the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty Iyesus Kristos)
In the Name (hereditary title) of the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy! All those who love (obey UN law of Equality) the sovereign Lord (political master) with their whole h.e.a.r.t, with their whole soul and mind, with their whole strength and love their neighbours as themselves, who hate their bodies (human nature) with their Jesuit vices and commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of Equality), who receive the Body (human nature) and Blood (human rights works) of our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos, and who produce worthy diplomatic fruits of penance.

O how happy and blessed are those who do such things and persevere in doing them, because the Spirit of the sovereign Lord (political master) will rest upon them and make Its home and dwelling place among them, and they are children of the heavenly Father Majesty of Ethiopia Whose human rights works they do, and they are spouses, brothers, and mothers of our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos.

We are spouses when the faithful soul (spirit an flesh) is joined by the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit) to our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos in flesh (political status). We are brothers to His Imperial Majesty when we do the will (divine covenant - UN charter) of the Father Majesty who is in the ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia (heaven).

We are mothers when we carry His Imperial Majesty in our h.e.a.r.t and body (human nature) through a divine love (obey UN law of Equality) and a pure and sincere conscience (knowing human rights from Jesuit Supremacy wrongs, and choosing human rights) and give spiritual (intellectual) rebirth to His Imperial Majesty absolute divine Anointed Son, through a holy activity which must shine as an example before others.

O how glorious it is to have a holy (sacred – debt free) and great Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) in Ethiopia (heaven)!

O how holy, consoling to have such a beautiful and wonderful Spouse!

O how holy and how loving, gratifying, humbling, peace-giving, sweet, worthy of love (obedience to UN law of Equality), and, above all things, desirable: to have such a Brother and such a Son of Humanity, our absolute sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos, Who laid down His bankrupt commercial life for His sheep and prayed to His Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty), saying:

Holy Father Majesty (Kidus Abba Jahnoy), in your name (hereditary title), diplomatically save those whom you have given me in the modern world of global commerce (trade); they were yours and you gave them to me. The words (divine covenant – UN charter) that you diplomatically gave to me I an I have given to them, and they accepted them and have believed in t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile - Eliah) that I an I have spiritually (intellectually) come from you and they have known that you have diplomatically sent me.

I an I pray for humanity and not for the bankrupt commercial world under global Jesuit darkness (IMF debt). Bless and sanctify (legally an lawfully purify) humanity; I an I sanctify myself for them Jesuit BANKERS. I an I pray not only for them, but for those who will believe in me through their word 'that they might be sanctified in being made one (tewahedo) as we are.

I an I wish, Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy), that where I an I am, they also may be with me that they may see my glory (magnificence in human rights law) in your debt free UN planetary kingdom of Equality in Righteousness on earth (193 member nation states). Amen.

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